Chapter One

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(Listen to the song while you read>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>)

 trudges along the road on my way to school. I got to the corner of where my best friend, Beth, and I would meet. "Hey Lyn!" she said excitedly, "It's your birt-day!" We used to say that when we were younger. 

I glared at her. Yeah, I know that I shouldn't have, but now wasn't the time for celebration. I was too busy on trying to find out how I would be able to convince my dad to give me more time to live in his house. You see, my dad has hated my guts ever since my mother died. He has said that it was my fault so many times I believe him. I miss my mother, more than anything in the world, but I won't be able to get her back. "I think I am going to go back home. I'm not feeling that good. Can you let the teachers know that I am sick?"

"I know you are lying Lyn. What the heck is wrong with you? You used to be so happy on your birthdays. This is your EIGHTEENTH birthday. You are an ADULT now!!"

I ignored her, "I'm going home. I will come over later maybe to get the homework assignments." I jogged away before she could stop me. I stopped at the park that was across the street from my house and sat on a swing. I sat there with my navy blue hoodie above my red hair and my black skinny jeans sagging a little since I haven't eaten in three or more days--I don't keep track any more. I turned my dark blue eyes down to the ground. I grabbed my blade that I use to cut myself everyday in this swing. I set it carefully onto my lap and used my right hand to roll up my hoodie sleeve and uncovered my blade. I put it up against the back of my wrist next to the scars from the day before I sighed as I slid the blade across my wrist. 

I'm numb. I don't feel it anymore. I go to cut myself again when I felt a hand on my shoulder, "What are you doing," a man's voice asked, but it was more a statement than a question, as if he knew. I looked to the ground and just let my eyes pour out. I let all of the tears that I have learned to keep inside when I was eight. I laid my head into my hands. The man came next to me and helped me up and guided me to the bench not too far from the swings. He made me sit down and he sat next to me. I didn't even think as I attacked him into a hug as I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "Why?" I repeated over and over.

"Why what?" he asked softly. I sniffed as I started to stop my waterworks. I looked at his face for the first time and I saw a man with brown hair and gray eyes. He had a white cotton shirt on and noticed that his eyes were looking straight into mine. I quickly looked down, because a long time ago I vowed that I would never let anyone see my pain. 

"N-nothing," I lied.

He sighed. "What was your name again, I don't think I got it."

I replied rudely, "I didn't tell you." He ignored my snarkiness and sighed again.

"I'm Alan Powell." I glanced up at him to see that he was still staring at me, trying to look into my eyes again. I looked right back down. 

"Lyn," I whispered. "I don't understand." I added out of nowhere. I was sick of keeping it inside. I forgot for a moment that Alan was sitting next to me and I took my blade to my wrist again. Before I could cut myself again, he grabbed my right wrist and stopped me. "Is this really what you think God wants you to do?"

I scoffed. "He doesn't care about me. He hates me. Otherwise He wouldn't have done this to me."

"He loves you with His whole heart. What d oyou think He's done that to you?"

A tear slipped down my face. "He took everything away from me. My mom. My--why am I telling you this?"

"Sometimes its easier to talk to strangers. And I'm sorry about your mom. What happened to her?"

I started to cry again, "I killed her. Its all my fault. I killed her."

"How did you kill her?"

"Its all my fault. He was right. It is my fault. I should've never been born. Its my fault."

"Hey." I looked up at him and finally let him see the hurt, the emptiness, the pain. "Who said it was your fault?"

I sniffed and answered, "My father."

He frowned. "It was not your fault. What else is bothering you? I know that there is something else that is on your mind, what is it?"

I sighed and thought, "I already told this guy about my mom. Might as well tell him about my dad."

"On my eighteenth birthday, I have to move out of the house by midnight otherwise...who knows what will happen." I whispered. 

"When is your birthday?" I looked down guiltily. He shouldn't have to worry about me. I am a worthless piece of crap. "Lyn, I want to help, if I can. When is your birthday?"

"It doesn't matter. I am a piece of crap. I'm fine." 

As I said this I heard very familiar foot steps coming toward me. I winced and Alan noticed. I looked up and saw the oe person I didn't want to see at all today. My father.

(I was going to stop here but Im nice. and I love typing this. beware that there will be somewhat strong language here xD back to the story)

"What the hell are you doing here?! You should be at school or at my house to pack up. You now have to get out by six o'clock tonight otherwise you are in for a surprise."


"Sir, I am guessing you are this girl's father. You should not treat her like this. She is a gift to you from God," Alan interrupted.

"I am NOT that wh*re's father. I am jst stuck with it!" My father yelled angrily.

"Not any more. She is going to live with my wife and I." I widened my eyes. 

"Fine with me! She gets out today." He shouted and walked off.


"No. This is how I am helping. God has me here for a reason. I usually would never come here. So you will live with my family. I am pretty sure the girls will like to have an older sister." He smiled.

"Ok, I need to get my stuff packed up." I mumbled.

"I can help. You'll need it."

I shook my head, "You should tell your wife that you are making me live with you guys." He laughed. 

"Ok, fine, but," he looked at his watch, "in two hours I'll be back. Where is your father's house?" I pointed at the small blue house across the street. "Ok. See you in an hour then." He walked off.

Once I couldn't see him any more I wallked to the house that I never knew I would have to leave so quickly. I sighed as I walked straight to my room. I sat on my bed and cut myself 10 times in a row before I started packing up. 

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