Cold Nights and Warm Feelings

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It was late. 2:38, to be exact. A light, cold rain was falling from the sky while local winds made the falling droplets slanted as they rained down from clouds above. And sadly, skimpy leotards don't provide much warmth. Even if you are warmer than the average human by a landslide.
Mar'i shivered, knowing her dad would kill her if she got a cold from her own self being too stubborn. She lit a starbolt as she sat on the wet rim of some thick concrete railing on a building towering above the crime ridden streets below. She hoped that maybe the bright ball of magenta energy would evaporate the water falling around her, through she knew that was stupid.
She sat there, watching the streets below as her long, dark locks became damp and draped over her thin figure. She sighed softly, lost in her thoughts about the rain that seemed to drive away even the worst of the worst. While thinking, she hadn't noticed the spandex clad boy step up besides her. She sighed once more, closing her eyes as she started to accept that she'd be grounded for being reckless.
Damian crept up behind her, kneeling down besides her as if he was trying to get her attention. After he realized he had failed, he reached out to rest a gloved hand on her shoulder. This caused her to jump the slightest bit, electric spheres of magenta energy forming on her hands as she turned to look behind her. Upon noticing that it was none other than her patrol partner, her brows furrowed the slightest bit with frustration as she completely turned her body to face him.
"-tt-" was all that could be heard from the teenaged boy as he anchored himself besides her, taking in the seemingly fresh air that the rain brought with it. Mar'i merely rolled her eyes and kept her attention on the streets below, captivated by the rain herself.
" I'm cold" she muttered, her mouth taking action faster than her brain could tell her not to.
"I thought your kind didn't get cold."
She tensed, realizing she had woken her thoughts yet again. "Well..." she started. "I do. I've got people who get cold and people who don't rolled into one. That makes me able to get cold, just rarely. And X'hal-" she paused, only to groan dramatically "I may or may not be cold."
The bat rolled his eyes underneath his domino mask, unsurprised that the princess sitting before him was too stubborn to admit she was cold. A trait she developed from both her parents for sure. He thought to himself.
"Then how is your body reacting to the icy wind, heavy rains, the oncoming cold season AND the ridiculously revealing outfit you choose to patrol in?"
"It's reacting quiet fine, mind you."
Damian rolled his eyes. "You're going to catch a cold."
"Dami, shush! No I'm not!" She huffed, shrugging her shoulders inward as she glared to the side. That's when the rain had decided to get even heavier. Mar'i groaned, her wet hair sticking to her face as she turned back to the robin, only to give him her best pout. He rolled his eyes once more as she lifted his cape and squeezed under best she could.
"Could we head back now?" She asked quietly, bright green eyes practically begging him to take her home. He let out a deep, annoyed sigh as he stood up, offering her his hand to aid her up besides him. She remained huddled under his cape, doing her best to keep herself shielded from the water as they walked back home.
"You're so lucky I like your father."
"And why is that?"
"Because. If I hadn't known that he'd be mad at me for not aiding you I'm getting warm, then I wouldn't have helped you."
"You liar." She said with a smirk, playfully punching him in the arm.
"I'm not lying."
"Yes you are. You legit care about me, and there's nothing you can take away fro-"
"Be quite and maybe I won't willingly let you get a cold tonight." He replied in a bit of a snappy tone, a light red tint finding it's way onto his cheeks.
And with that, Mar'i was silenced, though she couldn't help but smirk. She knew he cared, though. There's no way he couldn't. They were partners in justice, close friends, and maybe even more then that. In fact, after seeing his blush she was almost sure he may feel for her in a similar way she does for him. Her smirk only widened as the rain stopped. She moved out from under his cape, then turned to him and grinned.
The tips of her dark locks glowed like purple dying embers, which caused his brow to raise in suspicion. She just smirked at him.
"Hey Uncle Dami?"
"What now."
"I know you love me~"
"Grayson, is now really the time for thi-"
All she did was flick him and mumble 'last one home is a rotten egg' as he stood in the street annoyed. Meanwhile, Mar'i zipped home with her smirk still decorating her face from the action she just did. She was also proud to tease the robin about not being the rotten egg as soon as he got back, and she didn't for about a week after that. You know how those Graysons are.

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