Welcome To The Glade

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Samantha's Pov;
The Box
I woke up gasping for breath in some sort of metal box, with no memory of anything, not even my name. I rolled over on to my hands and knees as I coughed and gasped for air. It felt like I was drowning.

Water flew from my mouth as I threw up the contents of whatever was in my lungs and throat. After spitting out the water, I sat up and looked around the box to try and figure out where the hell I was.

All I found was, well, nothing. There wasn't much in here besides some boxes and crates filled with supplies and things.

I sat with my back against one of the cool metal walls. There was a loud crash and then a bang and I jumped slightly at the sudden loud noise, a vision flashing in my head, before fading away too quickly for me to process.

Who am I? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything? Thoughts swirled around in my head.

I was about to scream when there was this noise. I flinched in fear. I looked around for the noise when I heard it again.

I saw a covered crate. I crawled toward the crate and moved the cloth away. There was a pig inside of the crate, and it squealed again, causing me to fall back.

I sat against the wall again. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back, resting it against the wall. Images of distorted faces and people formed in my mind.

Colors blending and fading, making it hard for me to distinguish what was what and who was who. "Where am I? Who am I? Somebody help me!" I yelled out into the darkness that surrounded me.

Suddenly the lift stopped and I was thrown to the side. I slowly sat back up, this time in the middle of the lift with one hand on the floor behind me.

The top of the lift was opened and I shielded my eyes from the light. Slowly, I moved my hand away from my face. Looking up, I saw that it was a group of boys. Around 30-60 boys all stood around the top of the box.

Oh great, I'm stuck in a place where I don't know or remember anything, not even my name. If that wasn't bad enough, I'm stuck with a bunch of boys. I thought to myself. There didn't appear to be a single girl.

"Go get him," A voice said and a boy with short blonde hair dropped down. "Day one greenie. Rise and shine," He said and yanked me up, out of the lift.

"He looks like a trackhoe," One boy said. "I could use some help in the gardens," Another said. "He's got some long hair for a boy," Another spoke. "Kinda looks like a girl," A voice rang out through the crowd.

I stood up and dusted myself off. "That's because I am a girl," I replied. "And what the hell is a 'trackhoe'?" Curiously I looked around at the boys.

"Wait, a girl?" One of the boys in the back questioned. "Yes a girl. And I would appreciate it if you never touched me again," I turned to look at the boy that pulled me out of the lift.

"I call dibs!" Some boy yelled. "No, I call dibs!" Another shouted. "Both of you shut up! She's mine!" A third voice replied. "Slim it shuck faces! She's obviously going to choose me!" A fourth voice responded.

Everything was happening so quickly, that I started to panic. Suddenly, I began running. I pushed through the boys and started to run faster. Behind me somebody yelled,

"Hey, we got a runner!" But I kept running. I got pretty far before I tripped and face planted. "Oh!" I heard somebody yell. I rolled onto my back before sitting up on my knees.

The Last One's EscapeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang