Chapter 3

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Jaz and Maren swore. Sam groaned. Daniela rolled her eyes. 

John didn't know how to feel. He was mostly stunned. What the hell is wrong with me? he thought. I should be angry, pissed off at this. Or at least happy or something. Not fucking stupefied. 

All other thoughts John might have had were then blocked out by the eruption of noise that came from the Gryffindor table which Stanley sat. He bitterly turned to look as Stanley rose from his seat with a cocky, wide grin plastered on his face. His friends were ecstatic: punching him, yelling, and banging their goblets on the table. Stanley almost strutted to the front of the Hall until he caught McGonagall's eye. He quickly changed his posture so he walked the rest of the way in a much more respectful manner. 

John's eyes glazed over the head table where the teachers sat. He accidentally caught Professor Flitwick's stare; it was gloomy and almost disappointed. Guilt stabbed him in that stomach and he turned away. 

John scanned the room to see very mixed reactions. The Gryffindors (with the exception of Maren) were all on their feet in excitement. As far as the other Houses went, John could see a fair few people clapping respectfully but most students were sitting with a dazed expression, waiting for the announcement to return to their dormitories. He turned back to the front to realize Professor McGonagall had already finished talking and students were leaving their seats. 

Someone snapped in front of John's face and he flinched. "Hey. Earth to John Smith." 

Daniela was stood up beside him, raising an eyebrow. "Sorry, what?" John replied. 

"I was just trying to get you to respond. You are out of it today, man. Something wrong?" 

John rubbed his eyes tiredly and stood up with the help of Daniela. "Hope not." 

"Not convincing, but I'll take it. 'Night," she said, already starting towards the sea of red and gold. 

"Goodnight, Dani." 

John turned around to see that Sam was nowhere to be found. He did a 180 and a couple quick searches with his eyes but he only managed to get in people's way. One Beauxbatons girl eyed daggers at him when he accidentally bumped into her. 

Taking the fastest and most secluded route, John fast-walked all the way back to the common room. When he got there, he made his way straight to the boys' dormitories and collapsed on his honey colored four-poster. The room was empty, so he didn't bother drawing the curtains to change into his pajamas. Burying his face into the pillow, he ran his fingers through his hair desperately. 

Many different emotions were coursing through John's veins at the moment, and the worst part was he couldn't pin down any of them.

Thinking he would just take a quick shower before the others got there, John grabbed a towel and closed the door to the bathroom. He twisted the knob to all the way hot and stepped in the shower. Hogwarts showers were controlled with some kind of spell that didn't let the water go too hot or too cold, but John wished that this once it could heat up just a little more. Wiping the steam off the mirror, John stared at his reflection. As tired as he felt, he appeared normal. His dirty blonde hair was sticking up because of the water. Some pieces were falling back into his eyes; it was almost time to cut it. 

The slamming of the door sounded through the bathroom walls, signaling the arrival of one of his roommates. John hesitantly took his towel to dry off his hair best he could, then changed back into his pajamas. When he opened the door, he could feel the steam seeping into the cold room. There was no one in any of the beds, so John assumed someone opened the door to grab something and leave. He grabbed his wand from his robe pocket and dried the towel and his hair with it. 

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