Chapter 3: Gwaine Stop!

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So anyways, this will be over soon. There will only be three more chapters at most. This chapter though is dedicated to owllover22161 . They are the ones who actually gave me the idea for this chapter. So without further ado let's get this started. Oh yeah still need a new title for this

Arthur's pov

I wake up next to Merlin. Aww, yes, Merlin. MY best friend and clearly I am HIS best friend, too. NOT Gwaine.

It's kind of funny though. We come out here to corner Merlin into telling what's wrong and we get into a giant fight about who his best friend is. Today though I'm going to get back on track. Gwaine is not the important thing right now anyways.

I decide I'm going to make breakfast for Merlin since he's always doing for me and the knights. I get up to see that Gwaine already has done it. All I can think is well played Gwaine, well played. Okay. I start to pack up the camp so Merlin has less to do. Yeah, see I'm surely his best friend.

Gwaine says, "Arthur I made breakfast. I mean if you want some." I kind of suspicious at this. I mean I didn't watch make it. And as if he read my mind he says, "Don't worry. I didn't poison your food. Not yet anyways." Then he smirked.

I walk over to Merlin. I mean how rude would it be if I ate first always. I wake him up by gently shaking his shoulders and saying, "Good morning. Gwaine made breakfast."

He sits up and stretches. I noticed that he didn't wake up with his usual morning grin on his face. He must still be upset which reminds of why we're here in the first place. As I walk past Gwaine, I say, "Let's remember why we're here today and fight later. Okay?"

He nods and hands Merlin a plate with what looks like to be stew maybe? Hopefully? He looks at it with a kind of 'what happened to this' face. It almost makes me laugh. I remember how a while back he told us that he'd never let us touch the food let alone cook it.

He slowly takes a bite and immediately gags. Gwaine looks offended. Merlin goes, "Gwaine. I'm never letting you touch the food again." He then realizes what he said and how harsh it sounded and adds, "But thank you for the effort. Nice try."

I immediately set my bowl way away from me. No thanks. I think I want to live today. I see Gwaine look at me with a look that says 'you ready'.  I think it probably means to question Merlin again so I nod. He says, "So Merlin. What's been bothering you?"

"Nothing" he says.

"Merlin. I don't buy that for a second. You're always so happy and smiling and this last week you haven't barely smiled or insulted me or anything. Please tell at least me what's wrong." I say.

He looks at me directly and asks, "Do you truly want to know?"

"Yes, of course Merlin. I mean that's what we've been trying to say."

"Okay. Gwaine sit and don't freak out." He says and Gwaine sat. Is it that bad that Gwaine has to sit? I mean what does he think Gwaine going to do. He continues with, "Okay. It was about a year ago. There were these slave traders. Do you remember?" I nod my head. Of course they had that druid girl that escaped the cage. He starts again, "Well, the druid girl escaped. Well, I had helped her and hid her away in the castle. I fell in love with her. Well, we were going to runaway together the night she was killed."

"Who killed her?" Gwaine asks.

He starts to get tears in his eyes as he looks at me and says, "It was....was A-arthur."

I don't know what to do. I sit in complete shock. I thought the druid girl got away. All I remember killing was a beast. Then I look up to see Gwaine comes towards me at a fast pace. I quickly jump to my feet and start to runaway from Gwaine. I hear Gwaine shout, "You're the reason. Get back here. You cause Merlin so much pain. How could you even try to consider yourself his best friend."

Gwaine's pov.

That..that prat. What does he think? That this is just going to go unnoticed by me. That I'll just forgive him him for what he's done to heartbroken Merlin.

I chase him around for at least a good thirty minutes before I hear Merlin screaming at me to stop.

Merlin's pov

I watch as Gwaine chases Arthur back and forth over and over again. I have to admit it is kind of funny to see Arthur running for his life but I need to keep this prat alive. So I start screaming at Gwaine to stop but he keeps going. Oh, great. Now he somehow has a frying pan. Where did he even get that from? All I bring is a pot for stew.

Arthur has to keep ducking to miss Gwaine's blows. He says, "Gwaine. Please stop. Can't you just be civil for once."

"Says the one who killed Merlin's girlfriend."

"I don't even know how. All I remember killing around this time last year was a beast."

"Wow. Do you just go around calling everyone's girlfriend a beast. I think you're the real beast, Arthur."

I know I have to do something but what? I shout at Gwaine saying, "Calm down. Gwaine stop."

I see him start to swing and see Arthur isn't going to duck in time this time. I decide to quickly use my magic to make the frying pan hot so Gwaine drops it. When he drops it, he stops for a second to look at his hand but then continues to chase the royal prat. What could I do?

I start to chase Gwaine. He starts throwing stuff at Arthur such as large rocks he happens to pick while running.

With help from magic, I catch up to Gwaine and tackle him. I say, "Gwaine stop! It's not like Arthur exactly knew she was a girl. She was cursed to turn into a beast at night. Arthur stabbed her in beast form but when she switched back to human, her body couldn't handle it."

I can hear Arthur behind me out of breath. Gwaine's face comes to a neutral expression and says, "Okay. If you don't want me to hurt him, I won't." I get off him and he immediately punches Arthur in the nose and adds, "After this" with a shy grin.

Now Arthur's nose is bleeding. Great, just bloody great. (See what I did there). I get Arthur cleaned up while giving Gwaine an angry glare. I mean yeah, Arthur probably deserves it but I told him not to.

Arthur looks at me with a face of sorrow and says, "I'm sorry Merlin but she was a beast. What was I supposed to do? Let her kill everyone?"

"Arthur. She was harmless. She was cursed by a witch to turn into that. It wasn't her fault and she never killed anyone not even in beast form. You wouldn't know that though would you? No everything magical is evil, right? Yeah, I know you think that but it's not. Okay? Just, ugh. You know she died in my arms and she told me she wanted me to forgive you. Yeah and people think that I'm selfless. And I did forgive after a while. Sure you didn't know you needed to be forgiven but that wasn't important. I did it for her." I say with slight anger in my voice and noticed he picked up on it.

"Merlin. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you but magic is evil. How can you not see that?"

"Maybe because I am magic and I don't see myself as evil but I don't know about you anymore. My destiny is to serve you until the day I die and help you grow into the king you were meant to be. You're supposed to bring back magic but looks that won't ever happen. So I give up on destiny. I give up trying to get through to your head that magic isn't all bad. So I won't resist because I do consider you my friend. Do what you want with me. If you decide my death though, it shall come from YOUR hand. You will be the one to kill me. I won't let you hide behind your people as I die." I practically spat at him.

You know what. I going to leave it off right there. Until next time, bye. I know that it's not a 100% accurate either.

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