Chapter 42: Proclamation

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Ayumi and Yuri once again found themselves at Platja de Llevant. It was already 5 p.m., and the sky was bathed in the rich colors of the sunset. The sea was calm and there was a light breeze. The two of them took in the view, their hands still entwined.

None of them said a word since leaving the arena. Both felt a bit awkward now that they were alone, their minds still stuck on the kiss. It was Yuri who eventually broke the silence.

"Ayu... Are you mad that I... kissed you?"

She blushed. "No. I just... wanted to know what you meant by it."

Yuri was extremely nervous. More nervous than he was for any competition. He promised himself he would tell her, but being in that very moment was eating away at his confidence.

"I know this might seem completely out of the blue, but I just..."

Ayumi turned to face him, gaze locked on his. He started to get lost in her eyes, but quickly came around. He needed to do this.

"I just... I wanted to let you know that I...I..."

Yuri took a deep breath.

"I love you."

The girl's eyes widened and the blush on her face became deeper. She felt so many emotions at once, and couldn't find the words to say.

"I always have. You... you were the first person who fully accepted me, even though I was cold and rude. You held my hand and told me you'll be there for me. And you always were. You comfort me when I'm down. You make me smile. You support me in everything. You're always around to cheer me on. You..."

He slowly brought his hand to cup her cheek. "You make me happy, and I miss you every time you're not beside me. I love you Ayumi, and I'm sorry it took me this long to tell you."

"W-why? Why didn't you?"

Yuri was shocked by the sudden question, and looked down. "I wanted to. I was about to tell you last year, at the Grand Prix Final. The night of the banquet."

Ayumi gasped, remembering what happened that day.

"I didn't want to confuse you like that, especially after what happened to Miwako. You were so upset and hurt, and I just wanted to see you okay again. But after that... it was me. Even though I'm always confident on the ice, I wasn't confident when it came to you. You... you're a Matsumoto. You've got the world in your hands. And I'm just... I thought you deserved someone better than me."

She had tears in her eyes, shaking her head at his confession. "Don't say that, Yura. It doesn't matter. I don't need any of that. I just need you."

Yuri looked up with wide eyes. "You... you do?"

"I do. I care about you so much. You helped me when I was at my lowest. You didn't abandon me, even though I hurt you. After I left, I promised myself I was never going to do that to you again. I promised myself I'll stay. I'll stay with you though anything... because I love you too, Yura."

It was becoming difficult for him to breathe, but he felt nothing but pure happiness.

She loves me. Ayumi loves ME.

They wrapped their arms around each other in a fierce hug. The chilly air breezed around them and blew their hair towards their faces, but they didn't care. They relished in each other's warmth—it was all they needed.

Yuri slowly pulled away and looked at her face with nothing but love in his eyes. He was happy. He suddenly whispered, "Is it okay if I..."

Ayumi blushed and gave him a shy nod. Yuri leaned in slowly and finally pressed his lips on hers.

Damn, it felt like coming home.

The kiss was sweet and simple. Yuri's lips were so tender and loving. Ayumi closed her eyes, unconsciously pressing her body closer to his.

After a while, Yuri broke off from the kiss. She opened her eyes and pouted slightly, already missing his touch.

"Ayumi... does this mean... you'll be my girlfriend?"

She gave him a warm smile. "I wouldn't have let you kiss me if it didn't."

With that, Yuri kissed her again.

He savored the feeling of her soft lips. He caressed her face with his thumb, his other hand wrapped securely around her waist. He felt his heart thump loudly against his chest, and there were no words to describe how perfectly content he was just having her in his arms.


They quickly separated and turned around. There, standing not too far from them, was Viktor and Yuuri.

"What are you idiots doing here?!" Yuri snapped, looking at them with annoyance. Ayumi buried her face in his chest, utterly embarrassed.

"We followed you out of the arena! It was about time you two got together!" Viktor teased. "Wow, that took forever."

"Good job, Yurio. I'm happy for you two," Yuuri said with a wide smile.

Yuri's face was as red as a tomato. "Don't tease me, you morons!" he grumbled.

"Wow! How salty! Are you sure about this, Yumi?"

Ayumi turned to Viktor. "Please stop, Vitya. You're making me feel so weird."

He and Yuuri chuckled at her awkwardness. Suddenly Ayumi let out a quiet yawn.

Yuri found it cute, but turned to look at her. "Are you tired?"

"Yeah, a little. I haven't had coffee for the past few hours, so I'm feeling a bit drowsy."

"No! No more coffee!" he scolded. "You've been up all night for the past week. You need to rest for tomorrow. Come on, let's go back so you can get some sleep."

Ayumi nodded in defeat, and Viktor cooed. "Aww. You're so affectionate, Yurio. Why aren't you that nice to us?"

"Shut up!!!"

The teasing did not stop as they all walked back to the hotel.

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