He Picks You Up From School

Start from the beginning

Your stomach twisted inside of you, making you lean over to the trash bin beside you, emptying all that was in your stomach.

"Mummy's not h-here," you sobbed.

Mrs. Hadid and the nurse each shared a look.

"Who can come pick you up, hon?" Mrs. Hadid cooed, rubbing your back.

You thought. "My b-brother."

"What's his name?" The nurse asked.

"Ni-Niall," you said before throwing up again.

"His number might be on the list," she mumbled to herself.

Thankfully, it was. So the nurse called him and explained the situation. Despite him being at the studio, he agreed to come and pick you up.

Your teacher went back after making sure you were okay, and the nurse laid you down on one of the beds.


"I'm here to pick up my little sister? Y/N Horan? The nurse called me," he said nervously.

The secretary nodded, leading him into the nurse's office where you where laying, pale as a ghost, tears running down your face and staining your pink shirt.

"Oh no, Princess," he cooed sadly, kneeling down and holding your hand. "Where you feeling bad this morning, but didn't wanna tell me?" He guessed, stroking his thumb across your hand.

"Mm-mm," you sobbed, shaking your head. "It j-just ha-happened."

"Okay, calm down," he said, lifting you easily into his arms, holding you up easily under your bum with one arm.

You sniffled into his shoulder, finding his presence immediately soothing. He swayed back and forth as he chatted with the nurse quietly. He checked you out, carrying you out to the car and buckling you into your car seat.

"If you get sick, babe, just let it out in here, okay?" He said, handing you an empty Asda bag.

You nodded, continuing to cry. "I'm s-sorry," you sobbed.

"Why are you sorry, baby?" He asked, stopping the car as he pulled out of the spot, looking at you with concern through the rearview mirror.

"You h-had to come g-ge-"

"Hey, hey," he stopped you before you made yourself sick again. "Don't be sorry. You couldn't help it. I'd never be mad. I got the rest of today, and half of tomorrow off. Uncle Harry will stay with you for a few hours tomorrow. We're gonna get you all better, okay?"

You nodded, looking out the window, eventually falling asleep on the way home.

Liam | Age 4

"LiLi!" You squealed, running down the hallway where Liam stood with all your friends' parents.

He smiled, crouching down with open arms. You gladly crashed into them, and he lifted you, placing kissed all over your face. You were sent into a fit of happy giggles.

"What did you learn today, baby boo?" He asked, walking out of the door with you.

"Ummm...," you trailed off.

He laughed. He didn't expect you to learn much in preschool. He was just happy to see you happy.

"Buttewflies tuwn into catewpillahs!" You exclaimed, still struggling a bit with your 'r's'...and remembering the steps in the process of metamorphosis.

He laughed, nodding. "Yeah! Something like that."

You smiled, giggling as he tickled you and placed you in your carseat.

"Guess what?" Liam asked enthusiastically.

"What?" You replied excitedly.

"The ice cream shop downtown is calling your name," he teased, kissing your cheek and closing the door, leaving you to your own excitement.

Harry | Age 18

"Bye, Y/N! See you tomorrow!" Your friends called, getting into each of their cars.

You sighed, waving them goodbye and plopping down on a bench. Your car had been acting up, so your mum insisted you take it to the shop. Now you were carless, and your gran had to pick you up in her '76 Toyota  To say you were embarrassed would be an understatement. All your friends were driving off in their cars, and you were getting picked up by your gran in an old car which probably still had its original paint job. You waited and waited for her to show up, all your classmates and peers looking at you and wondering why you hadn't left.

Out if nowhere, a loud engine roared through the parking lot, making all heads turn. You figured it was one jock leaving in his junky sports car, trying to impress girls with the loud engine. But when you looked up, the car that pulled in was not what you expected.

You recognized this sports car. It wasn't a junky one, either. You smiled when the window rolled down.

"Get in, loser. We're going shopping," Harry said, successfully making you laugh and run towards him.

"I though gran was picking me up?" You asked, closing the door.

He shrugged, pulling out if the parking lot as everyone watched. "Figured gran would rather finish her afternoon nap, and you wouldn't want to be seen by all your friends in her car. Am I wrong?"

You blushed, looking out if the window. "No, not really."

"Well, you're welcome for being the best brother ever," he said.

You laughed. "Okay, thanks."


You sighed, slapping his arm. "For being the best brother ever and not making me ride in gran's 400 year old car."

He chuckled, shaking his head.

UGH I KNOW IT'S NOT GOOD. I just got back from NYC 2 weeks ago, so I was exhausted for a while. Now, I'm at the beach.

And honestly, as much as I hate to say it, would rather read fanfiction on the beach instead of write it. I just need some me-time. I can't promise many updates (on this, or any other stories), but I'll try. I hope you understand, and that this will tide you over until I get back.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Please don't be a silent reader. Love y'alls comments!!

Much love,

Emma xx ♡

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