Tag #11

34 0 4

100. Fucking. Facts. Tagged by @mleak107. ;-; A'ight. Here we go.

1. Real Name: *wheeze* You thought. Next!

2. Nickname: Demon, Demom, Demoney, Dad, Sir.

3. Favorite Color: Black, Blue, Red.

4. Male or Female: Female, but I don't mind being called "Sir".

5. Elementary School: Which one? I move around a lot.

6. Middle School: The one I'm leaving right now? Yeah, it's [*buzzing noises intensifies*]

7. High School: I'm going to [*buzzing noises intensifies*]

8. College: I'm too retarded for that shit.

9. Hair Color: Looks black, but it's dark brown in the light.

10. Tall or Short: I'm smol.

11. Sweats or Jeans: I dunno.

12. Phone or camera: Phone.

13. Health Freak: I don't give a fuck about health. Whoops.

14. Orange or Apple: I don't give a fuck.

15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: No. I hate everyone.

16. Guy Friends or Girl Friends: Mostly girls

17. Piercings: Two. One on each ear.

18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke! Pepsi is stale Coke!

19. Have You Ever Been in an Airplane: Yerp. When I was little.

20. What's Your Sexuality: I dunno. Probably asexual. Idfk.

21. Have You Ever Been in a Car Accident: Nah.

22. Have You Ever Been in a Fist Fight: Hell yeah! It was fun.

23. First Piercings: The two on my ears...?

24. Best Friends: Well, a couple weeks ago, I could've answered with certainty. Now I'm not too sure.

25. First Award: I have no fucking clue. What's with all the "First" questions anyway?

26. First Crush: N/A. Never had a crush.

27. First Words: Seriously, you expect me to remember?

28. Any Talent: I have no talent in anything.

29. Last Person You Talked To: I'm talking to Jen as I'm doing this shit. Does that count?

30. Last Person You Texted: A person without a Wattpad account that I do not wish to reveal.

31. Last Person You Watched a Movie With: Dude! I don't know!

32. Last Thing You Ate: Food.

33. Last Movie/TV Show You Watched: Impractical Jokers. That's the good shit.

34. Last Song You Listened To: It's Not Like I Like You

35. Last Thing You Bought: I don't go to the store. That's my parents' job. So, uh, I dunno.

36. Last Person You Hugged: No one. I don't hug.

37. Favorite Food: Ketchup and Chocolate. *gasp* Ketchup covered chocolate!

38. Favorite Beverage: Coke. Or maybe some water.

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