Tag #1

69 1 9

Tagged by RenegadeMoka. End my life.

1. Full name?

...No. All you're gonna get is Demon.

2. Nickname(s)?

Demon. That's it. Fuck off.

3. Eye color?


4. Hair color?

Dark brown.

5. Random fact?

I'm a hardcore shipper. Fite me, m8.

6. Favorite color?

Blue, black, and red.

7. Favorite place?

The internet. It's better than reality.

8. Favorite celebrity?

Does Toby Fox count? If so, then Toby Fox. If not, then I have no answer.

9. Favorite song?

Hmm...Either Smoke and Mirrors or Die in a Fire...Or maybe Wolf in Sheep's Clothing...I dunno.

10. Favorite animal?

I don't really have a favorite animal. Anything violent, I guess.

Am I done? Yeah? YES! Ok. I tag...
That's it! Now I'm gonna go. Bai!

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