Little Light

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Thranduil couldn't take it anymore.

Mantheniel's screams did not even lessen. It wasn't like an elleth to suffer during child birth. They followed every precaution, every bit of it and yet here they were with Mantheniel giving birth a week too early. Elrond had arrived moments ago, looking like he had just got up from bed and rushed here immediately. But Thranduil knew better. He was here because he had seen this coming. He did not desire to start a fight so he had slumped down on a chair by the hall, feeling everything at once.

He was ushered out of the room moments ago, when Manthaniel had glared at him, her eyes burning so brightly. He was transfixed at first before her mouth uttered so much profanities the nursemaid had asked him to step out the room for Manthaniel was clearly blaming him for letting her go through so much pain. Elrond, who stood outside merely chuckled and placed a hand on the Kings shoulder, wanting to comfort him.

"Celebrian had thrown a vase at me and I had just entered the room," he comforts him.What were they doing in there? Was Manthaniel having difficulties? Was she alright? He let out another huff of impatience, tinged with fear. The prince and Falasdir followed the Kings pacing with their eyes, and even they felt impatient. That was hours ago.

He felt a strong hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Falasdir with an expression of worry and concern. The King wanted to scream, to break things- to punch someone for putting Mantheniel in such agony but he could not do anything but wait. And trust that blind elleth to know what she was doing.

Legolas was standing by the door, his face clouded. He has not told his father yet that the queen had been poisoned. At this moment, it would be difficult to let his father see reason or show even the slightest bit of mercy. No, he must wait until everything has cooled down. When everything is alright.

The prince's heart ached for his father who looked worse than Legolas has ever seen him. It ached for Mantheniel, a mother he had accepted wholeheartedly who was carrying his little sister. He ached for his little sister the most. What if things did not go as planned? Would he lose one of them? Both of them? He shoved those thoughts aside and waited patiently until Mantheniel's screams had ceased.

The four ellyn stopped and stared at each other, each not wanting to move. Then in the silence, they heard a new cry. Thranduil stood up immediately, his face tinged with hope and surprise and fear. Falasdir stared at Legolas who was closest to the door. The prince reached for the knob when it turned, and the fortune teller steps out, her eyes trained on the wall across her. She was blind, but she had come and declared she would help the queen during child birth. There was little Thranduil could do at the declaration. His heart had been desperate. He didn't know what had happened.

They were having dinner and Legolas had been there. Then suddenly Mantheniel complained of a headache, then not soon after she was gasping for air and clutching on to her belly. Thranduil remembered the look she had given him. Fear, confusion, dread. He couldn't take the image away.

He had been reading about drown elves, knowing there would be complications. But Elrond had assured them it would be slight ones. Nothing like this. Something must have happened but before he could get to the bottom of it, he had to come back to his senses. His princess was born. He could hear her crying, why then could he not move?

"Well?" She raises a brow, "Are you not going to see the princess?"

Legolas let out a breath of relief as Falasdir closed his eyes. Thranduil, however, remained silent. The fortune teller, young as she looked, sounded much older as she angled her head towards the King.

"What is wrong, your Majesty?"

Thranduil could not speak as the elleth smiled at him, a kind smile.

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