Imagine: Caught by the Cousin

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Surprise, surprise -- One of the PDH boys will be your cousin but I'm not sure if it will be official in the 'X Reader'. :3

I guess you'll just know when you get there lol


Laurance POV

(Your Name) and I have been seeing each other for the last two months, but we still haven't told anyone about it since we wanted to find the right time to do so. Especially because (Your Name)'s protective cousin is always around somehow, Travis. Now, I wasn't expecting Travis out of all the people that could be (Your Name)'s cousin.

But to be honest, they look alike in a way.

'Obviously, Laurance. They're cousins.' I scolded myself mentally.

(Your Name) has already warned me about Travis being protective and intimidating when he sees them with some guy, I didn't believe it at first since Travis is shy and didn't really have that many people to talk to except for us and the group. Well, they wouldn't call it a group if there were not many people in it so just disregard my last sentence. But once I saw Travis' other side, I suddenly changed my mind about the picture of him as a harmless innocent person.

Last Week

"Laurance, somebody might see us." (Your Name) said as I continued hugging them form behind.

"Let's just enjoy this moment before the bell rings." I said and they complied while rolling their eyes and smiling.

The bell then rang and I pulled away from them, they gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before they headed to their next class. Of course, I said 'I love you' before they actually got to leave the place. When I was about to head to my class, I was suddenly surprised to see Travis standing there with a displeased expression.

"Stay away from (Your Name), Laurance. I'm warning you." Travis said.

I wasn't so sure of what to feel about this to be honest, but I didn't feel threatened at his warning. Being a few inches tall and being a senior as well and all, but that didn't stop Travis from coming up at me.

"Stay away." Travis said and that's when I felt quite small.

I've never seen Travis like this at all. (Your Name) was right when they said that Travis has a thing about being protective when it comes to them and guys. He looked at me dead in the eyes then walked to his class, bumping to me in the process.


I'd draw a portrait of Travis being intimidating later lololol I'm lazy now and I can't do something when I'm lazy.


Under My Umbrella: (A Laurance X Reader) PDH FFWhere stories live. Discover now