When I shared my theory with mum, she looked at me like I had gone mad. It sounded absurd, two people who have hated each other from day one. But it was possible, and it would have been so perfect.

Quincey is the only guy I would entrust my fragile Shasha to without any worries, because I know for a fact that he would take very good care of her. He would satisfy her need for security. With him, she would never have to worry about long-term commitment. Not only would he care for her, he's also the only guy I know that can handle her. I'm referring to the real feisty Shasha, not the polished version of herself she shows at school. I don't believe Orson would be able to manage. That is if she ever shows him her real self, the one Quincey already knows all too well.

I'm not saying Orson won't take care of her. But beyond that, he's too... compliant. At least for her. She's too much for him to handle. She needs someone who can stand strong against her when she's being pushy. Someone who can call her out on her mistakes or wrong attitude, and tell her the right thing to do. Orson won't be able to take in her fits of anger, or make her listen when she's being stubborn, only Quincey can do that.

As for Quincey no one other than Shasha can make him simmer down. I've seen it a few times, with just one quick look from her, his shoulders droop. Even I'm not able to calm him once he gets angry. I thought it was more of a battle of power when they exchanged a look and he backed down. He would just stop arguing or getting upset so suddenly it was always surprising. I I used to think:"Oh Shasha won again." However, looking back, with my new theory that they did not hate each other, it seemed that it was actually Quincey choosing to give in to her. Quincey choosing to give someone the upper-hand over him.

That's not the Quince I know. He's not the kind of guy that'll "let it slide". Once you provoke him, no matter who you are, girl or boy, you'll get it. In fact, when he was younger he didn't hesitate to get into fights with guys who were two, three years older than him. So he's not the kind to back down from anything or anyone. Yet, only Shasha is able to tame him. It's only in front of her that he becomes weak.

To me, they are the perfect fit.

But you can't force love. You can't push two people to fall in love, no matter how perfect they may be for each other.


"I don't want to go Titi," Shasha and I were hugging at her door step.

The summer before our last year of high school, was the first we didn't spend together since we met. I'd say that's where everything began. That summer was the starting point of everything.

It was around 10:30 am, her parents were waiting for her in the car. One interesting thing that day, is that Quincey had come by my house quite early. The day before, I complained to him that Shasha would be going to her aunt's place at 10:30 am. Somehow, by 9:30 am that day, he was at my house. I asked him why he came, but he just shrugged. A few days ago, the last day of school, the glimpse of hope had appeared, and Quincey actually waking up early to come see Shasha before she left for the whole summer, gave me even more hope.

As Shasha and I hugged, I saw him with the corner of my eye going in and out of my house. He looked at us, scratched his head, then went back in. He came out again, did the same thing, sighed, then went back in. At that point I was pretty sure he didn't just come to hang out with me, but to see Shasha off, at least greet her or something. I giggled, it was funny to see him that way.

"What is it?" Shasha asked pulling away to look at my face. "How can you be happy when we're saying our farewell?"

"No, of course I'm not," I held her hands, wondering whether I should tell her about the mystery guest that was spying on us.

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