Dance Off - Karma x Rio

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A/N Here's another one shot for Karma and Rio because they deserve more love. Also, I'm taking requests for story lines  that people want me to write for Hitsukarin and Karmamura.

"I can't believe it. We have to learn to dance?" Terasaka asked, his face contorted in disgust.

"Yep. Principal Asano added a special competition this year. A dance competition. There are going to be four separate dances, so I only need the eight best dancers," Bitch Sensei sad.

"So then why do we all have to dance?" Muramatsu asked.

"Because I need to find the eight best dancers so I need to see you all dance," Bitch Sensei said. Then, she had everybody pair off. The first pair was Terasaka and Hazami. Their dance ended in Bitch Sensei yelling at them to never dance again. After that was Ritsu and Itona, that one was just weird, especially since Itona was basically just dancing with a phone. Finally, it was over and Bitch Sensei looked over her notes to see who the best dancers were. She wrote down the eight names.

"I have the eight people who are the best dancers," Bitch Sensei said. Everybody waited in nervousness. None of them really wanted to be picked.

"So, the eight people are Chiba, Hayami, Isogai, Karma, Maehara, Meg, Okano and Rio. You eight have to stay behind. The rest of you can go home since the school day is over," Bitch Sensei said. Everybody except those eight breathed a sigh of relief. Almost all of the eight who were picked were crying.

"I don't know what you're all upset about. There's nothing more attractive then a guy who can dance!" Maehara said, grabbing Okano's hands and doing a dance with her, ending in him spinning her around.

"Wow," they all said, clapping.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," Okano said, leaning over her desk with her hand over her mouth.

"Okay. The eight of you have to work hard if you want to beat the other classes, especially class A," Bitch Sensei said.

"I split you into pairs and each pair is going to learn one dance. The first pair is Meg and Karma. You two will learn the salsa. The second pair is Hayami and Isogai. You two will learn the waltz. The third pair is Rio and Maehara. You two will learn the foxtrot. The last pair is Okano and Chiba. You two will learn the jitterbug," Bitch Sensei said.

"And Karasuma and I are here to help," Koro Sensei said, holding a bunch of dancing dvd's.

"This isn't what I signed up for," Karasuma muttered.

"Anyway. Everybody get lots of rest. We're meeting here tomorrow at 9:00," Bitch Sensei said.

"But... tomorrow's Saturday," Okano spoke up.

"Yeah. I had plans." Maehara added.

"Cancel them. This is more important." Bitch Sensei said. The students let out a chorus of complaints.

"I'm not listening! Be here tomorrow!" Bitch Sensei said, leaving the students. She wouldn't it, but she was secretly excited to be able to show off her dance skills. The next morning, everybody was stretching, when Bitch Sensei came in.

"Oh. You're all here early," she said.

"Naw, you're just late," Maehara said.

"Shut up, you little punk. Do you think it's easy looking this good?" Bitch Sensei snapped. Everybody just shrugged their shoulders.

"You look kind of whorey to me," one of them muttered.

"I heard that!" Bitch Sensei yelled, her eyes popping out of her head.

Hitsukarin/ Karmamura One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang