the announcement

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I don't own anything here. JK Rowling does. The artworks I used are just friends. Google Images. So credits to the owner

Scorpius POV
Me and my brother, Albus, are celebrating our first Halloween feast in Hogwarts. It's just like our usual feasts, but the candles are replaced with Jack-o'-lanterns and there are more candy and cake than anything else. I popped my favorite apple-flavored candy into my mouth and looked around. Everyone seems busy on either stuffing themselves with food or talking to there friends. Even the teacher are having a blast, judging from their happy faces. After a while, Headmistress McGonagall stood up, ushering the students, and making them stop talking. She cleared her throat and started to speak "My dear students, I decided to bring g back a tradition that has been unpracticed for a very long time. Back at my young, teaching days, or what I call the Marauder's Era-" I saw Papa(Harry) smile at the name "The students  used to dress up as either famous wizards or muggle celebrities. I would like to bring that back. To lighten up the mood and bring fun to Hogwarts. You can dress up as anyone. The winner will have a hogsmeade with a teacher and a student for a day." McGonagall sat down again, and the great Hall erupted with beers and conversations. "They look excited" I said and poked my brother's arm "Yeah. But who are we gonna go as?" I shrugged "I don't know"

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