A Possessed Friend

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A/N: Just realised I might have a few more chapters than I thought for Part 1. Oh well. Enjoy the chapter!

I stared at the figure in front of me in shock, an urge to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. But no, there is not mistake. The girl who just tried to kill me seconds before was Alice, no doubt. However, she's always looked at me with kind eyes. Why are they so cold now?

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice as she brought her sword down once again until it was inches from my face. Luckily, my reflexes were getting quicker, so I ended up on the ground, the blade barely caressing my face.

"Alice, what are you doing? It's me, Camille!" I shouted at the brunette, willing her to look into my eyes. We're friends, aren't we?

Alice wasn't listening. It was as if she was possessed, leading her to swing violently. I quickly took out my own sword. There was no war I was going to hurt her. But I'm not going to let myself get killed so easily either.

Our blades exchanged blow after blow. I've seen Alice fight before and I know for a fact that she is currently way too strong. It's as if she's being controlled. Wait a minute. That's it! Inanima. Alice must have gotten possessed somehow. But shouldn't that mean she died? Her eyes aren't black either.

"Alice, can you hear me!" I called out again, trying to confirm my suspicious. The result was the same. Alice didn't react and her only intent seemed to be trying to kill me. Her attacks weren't particularly strong, but it was difficult to fight my opponent without harming them. If Alice really is alive, there is no way I'm going to let anything happen to her. But if she really is dead...

Alice swung her sword at my side, her braid flowing through the air. I've got to admit, her movements were very graceful for someone who has little experience. Unless she's been acting all along, this is quite unexpected. I released my aura in a swift movement, causing my speed to be even faster.

I immediately blocked her attack with my sword, using a little bit more strength in my wrist, causing Alice's sword to be knocked away from her hand. With as little strength as I could muster, I infused my next attack with some of my magic, cutting Alice's arm.

Alice didn't cry out or hiss, nor did the wound fizz up like the Inanima I fought did. I was left clueless on what my next action should be. Luckily, I didn't have to decide.

"What the hell are you doing, Camille!" Alex's voice came from behind me, angrily shoving me out of the way before crouching down to inspect Alice's wound. Behind him was Michael, who looked confused and shocked.

Instantly, I knew I couldn't say that Alice was possessed. No guy would believe another girl's words over their loved one.

"I'm sorry," I quickly came up with a lie. "I thought she was an Inanima for a second. I heard a clatter from the kitchen and didn't think before attacking. Look, there's actually one right there." I pointed to the corner, where a middle-aged woman with completely black eyes was staring at us. Michael went over to take care of it.

"Without thinking? You could've killed her!" He exclaimed. I was immediately distracted by his gaze. Boy, did Alex look angry right now. It was even worse than the moment he slapped me. Though it did look like he was restraining to do so.

"Alex?" A soft murmur came behind Alex. Alice sat up straight, a hand held against her head. Her eyes were normal again. She looked completely confused.

Looking around at her surroundings, Alice nervously asked, "What happened? I can't remember anything." She gasped when she saw the wound I had inflicted on her, leading me to feel a twitch of guilt. This only fueled Alex's rage further.

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