Bluebell Tournament Pt. 1

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A/N:  Thank you very much to those who always comment nice things when I upload a chapter! Much love <3. Enjoy the chapter!

After the events of last night, I couldn't help but feel all jittery throughout the morning. I tried to place it in the back of my mind and appear as normal, but I guess it didn't work. 

"Are you alright, Miss? You look a little pale," Felicity asked worriedly. Besides her, Lily was quickly brewing me a cup of tea, her hands shaking as she brought the cup towards me. My parents were off doing their own things, and I was sitting at the dinner table myself. I had finished breakfast was just waiting for time to pass. 

"I'm fine. I guess I'm a little nervous, that's all," I lied. My heart was a little unsettled, that's all. I had grown up in a sheltered household and had never come near to the close of murder. But after the events of the past couple of weeks, I guess I'm finally breaking apart. It was a little weird at how quickly I had adapted to this world after all. 

I took the tea with my tremulous hands, taking in the aroma. 

"Maybe you shouldn't participate in the event. I wasn't going to say anything because you were so determined, but some people have been seriously injured in the competition." Felicity went around the table, grabbing any dirty dishes she could find and wiping down the table in the process. I was little surprised that she was finally acting like a proper maid. I thought all she did was run around and ogle at good looking men for the past few weeks. 

"I'll be fine, I promise. Besides, there won't be any school for the next week because of this competition. Do you know how boring it'll be if I sit out?" And it was true. The Bluebell Tournament is on of the most important events in the whole year. It is practically what the school is known for. 

"You never wanted to participate before," Felicity murmured, causing me to freeze. 

"Well, I told you, I have changed," I shot back. Felicity sighed. 

"Alright, alright. You're right, as always. Are you walking again with Miss Alice again today?" 

I shook my head. "Nope, Alex is picking her up today. They want to give each other some support"-and by that, I mean affection- "before the start of the event."

Whoops. Felicity looks a little dejected now. I guess it's time for me to retreat. I stood up, grabbing my bag, and gave a quick hug to Lily and Felicity before bolting out the door.

The sun was shining as usual.  An interesting fact that I had learned was that seasons didn't depend on the time of year in this world, but the area you are located in. Hence, the Central Continent was always in the mood for Spring. Which I didn't mind, but I really miss the snow. I had lived in New York City in my previous life after all. 

I was approaching the school when the view ahead caused me to widened my eyes. Banners. Freaking. Everywhere. Not to mention, vendors were filling the school's area, causing a food aroma to come about. I approached warily, but I guess the vendors didn't come near me because I was a student. Oddly enough, I did not see any students nearby. Was I in the wrong place?

Just as I was about to turn around and return home, I spotted Mrs. Rose. I quickly ran up to her, calling her name. She turned around, and once she saw that it was me, her face lit up. 

"Camille!" Her expression fell into confusion. "What are you doing here? You should be at the stadium to sign in!" Wait. Since when did our school have a stadium? While I was pondering if I ever saw a stadium in the weeks I had been at the school, Mrs. Rose had taken my hand, leading me to the very back of the school. Oh. We do have a stadium. I guess I never went to the school before.

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