The Wake of The Storm

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The voice echoed in her mind, lashing out like a whip from the thick mist. All around, everywhere she looked, there was nothing but the unnatural fog. She clutched at her head. A moment ago... she could have sworn...


The cold voice struck like a spike to the ear. It seemed to echo around her, curling in the air like a wraith, just out of sight.


The voice almost seemed to chuckle this title, emanating from behind her. But there was nothing when she turned to look.

"So many words to describe you, and all so painfully true." 

She swallowed hard, trying to push the fear down that rose in her chest. That voice somehow sounded familiar and foreign at the same time.

"And you know it, don't you?" the voice continued. "You know how stupid you are, and you refuse to do anything about it. You are thought to be wise, but through your years you are still just a quivering snot nosed girl."

The earth below shifted, as if the landmass itself had been tilted on its edge. Gravity seemed to turn over, flipping around her and making her unsteady. Nausea and bile rose in her throat as her beloved earth betrayed her.

"You do not think yourself as a hero, and you're right. You're not. How many innocent lives have ended at your hand? And yet you so easily look down on others. You judge without a moment's thought, you discriminate because you think you are right, and everyone else is wrong. You think because you were born to an ancient people that it somehow makes you better than everyone else. And yet you deny it, the clouds in your head dissuading you from any actual growth. You don't even try to grow out of your shell."

The earth was foreign, sickly, and fake beneath her feet. The air was thick in a way that was not natural, or, she was certain, healthy.

"You do not believe in the Gods. But you look down on those who's deity does not fit your particular mood at the time. You assume so much and think that because you are somehow miraculously right that your will is fact."

The voice broke into laughter. "How deliriously delusional... If any being of power actually gave heed to your insults, they would strike you down in an instant."

The voice was ahead now, no longer echoing around. A figure appeared in the fog, forming out of the mist itself. It stood rigidly as she felt herself unwillingly moving closer.

"How many people have suffered under your stupidity? How many more will fall under your hand and word? You are supposed to be a leader, but without your pack of enablers you wouldn't last a day. You're only passionate when vengeance is your goal. You've lead your own love into his doom just to gain vengeance. And the sad thing is you actually thought you'd be powerful enough to take on a dragon on your own. If it wasn't for your cleric friend you'd be long dead and rotting."

The figure became more clear as the fog coalesced around her, creating the eye of a storm as thin wispy arms of mist clung around her. She fought against the force that was bringing her closer. She stopped it just as the eyes of the figure flared electric blue, and the fake warmth vanished.

"Despite all your adventures, all your experiences, you are still ignorant. Stupidity is refusing to learn after all. And you, Keyleth, are very, very stupid. You do not deserve the title granted to you. So I am here to be your judge."

The figure of the woman, long gray hair whipping in the wind like agitated snakes, was suddenly clearer than before. A simple dark gray garment adorned her almost unnaturally thin frame. A jet black rod, topped with a rough gem that seemed to contain all the force of a hurricane within it rested lightly in her hand. Keyleth swallowed fearfully, but managed to clear her throat enough to speak.

"Who... who are you?" she whispered. The pale figure smiled with a familiar smile, one she had seen before. On the face of a dragon.

 "I am Zeron, the Wake of the Storm."

Zeron raised her arm and crooked a finger as Keyleth met the pale blue eyes of her tormenter with her own.

"Come, Voice of the Tempest. Let us see how well you stand without your band of friends."

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