Anger Issues

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Ziva's POV

"Tali! What do you think you're doing?" I yell towards my 3 year old daughter who is sitting at her Father's desk, colouring on a few of his crime reports.
"Ima, I'm drawing a picture of a fairy on Abba's paper" she stated.
"Did you ask Abba first?" I question her.
"Yes" she smiles.
"Tali!" I warn her before kneeling next to her and grabbing her arms and using them to move her body to face me.
"I did" she groaned.
"Tali, you did not ask Abba because those are his sheets of paperwork so now Abba has to fill them out all over again" I tell her sternly.
Tali's face dropped as soon as she realised what she had done but I did not back down.
"I'm sorry Ima" she says sadly.
"I'm not the one you should be apologising to" I tell her as I lift her off the chair.
"Who should I say sorry to then" Tali huffs.
"You need to say sorry to Abba because they are his papers" I tell her as I march towards the elevator.

When the metal doors open, I drag her towards Ducky's lab where Tony is picking up the autopsy report.
He is sat on on a spare metal autopsy bench while Ducky is pointing things out on the dead marines body.
"Tony!" I yell which makes him jump.
"Yes sweetcheeks" he replies as I walk closer to him.
"Tali here was drawing on your paperwork" I tell him angrily.
"It was only a 1 fairy" Tali moans as she lifts her arms in annoyance.
"It's fine Ziva" Tony says chilled as he hops off the table and picks Tali up in his arms.
"Tony! It is not okay, you are going to have to redo all that paperwork" I point out.
"So it will take it like 2 minutes. Don't get so mad Ziva" he says as he pulls Tali closer to his chest and stroke her brown locks.
"Tony, you are not teaching her discipline if you let her off the hook for everything she has done!" I yell back as I start to get more annoyed by the minute.
"Ziva chill, we don't always have to shout at her for little mistakes" Tony replies and that really rattles my cage.
I storm out of the room without even acknowledging Ducky who was standing next to me the whole time.
"Anyway continue Ducky" Is all he says.
"Aren't you going to talk to your girlfriend Tony" Ducky asked, shocked.
"Nah... She will come around in a minute. I have always told her that she has anger issues" Tony laughed.

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