A Early Birth

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Y/n's POV
I was walking around the Creever Mannor with Dan and I felt something wet drip down my leg and I stopped in my tracks. Daniel turned to me.
"Y/n what's wrong?" Dan asked worriedly. "The babies kicked and I think my water just broke so get me to f*cking St Mungoos (I don't know how to spell it)!" I yelled and we rushed to the floo. "St Mungoos!" We shouted. When we got there, Dan signed forms and people rushed to me and took me into the delivering room.

Daniel's POV
I owled Lucius and Narcissa to tell them that she was in labour. I went into the delivering room and held Y/n's hand and the docter told me to call them when her contractions are just one minute apart.
Finally I think her contractions are one minute apart and that took four hours so I called the docter back in the room. "Alright Mrs Creever I want you too push, ok?" The docter asked Y/n.

Y/n's POV
I pushed and gripped Dan's hand tighter and began to cry in pain. "Dan I will never let you touch me again!" I shouted. "Push one more time Mrs Creever!" She said. I pushed and I heard a sound of a baby. First one out. "The first one is a boy named?" "Scorpius" I answered and she gave the baby to get cleaned and another wrote the birth certificate. "One more push and the other will be out." The docter said as I continued to curse at Daniel and I did one more push and there she is. "A girl and what's her name?" "Galexia" I said panting and they did the same. "Your family is waiting outside Mrs Creever. Do you want them to come in?" She asked and I nodded my head as the babies were handed to me.

Draco's POV  (same time all of this was happening)
I was in my bed and Crabbe and Goyle woke me up. "What is it?" I asked anoyed. "Well Snape told us to come and get you downstairs we don't know why." Goyle told me so I went downstairs alone and saw Snape and he gave me a night pass and to go and see the headmaster. Once I saw the stone statue, it was time to play the game 'Guess the candy password' and when I finally said bertie blots every flavour beans and the door opened, revealing, mother, father and Dumbledore. "Draco you need to leave school and return tomorrow and your parents will tell you why." Dumbledore said, leaving to his office. "Draco we need to go now because your sister's in labour." Father said, we rushed to the floo network and flooed to St Mungoos. I heard cursing and babies crying and a few minutes later we could come in. I saw her sitting on the bed smiling, looking down at the newborn twins.

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