Surprises for all

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Y/n's POV The next day
We always did that each night in fifth, sixth and seventh year so I'm not a virgin. I started to feel sick so I ran down the long hall and into the toilet, slamming the door shut. When I came out, I rushed back in again and puked some more so I went to the floo to go to the docter Daniel booked for our holidays which was on the second day which is now. "Aah, Mrs Creever I was expecting you. How long have you started feeling sick?" Dr Vince asked, "since this morning and I have stomach pains and I haven't felt like that before" I told the doctor. "Follow me" he said and we walked down to a sound wave thingy for testing if you're pregnant. I was layed down and he put this gel on my stomach and put the sound wave on. He smiled and wrote something into a test. ''I have wonderful news Mrs Creever. You are pregnant with twins. I don't know what their gender is yet but congratulations to both you and Mr Creever." He said and I stared at him eyes wide and smiled, thanked him then flooed back.

The honeymoon house still Y/n's POV
I walked up to Dan and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Dan you know how I've been vomiting?" I asked and he nodded, " Well I'm pregnant with twins!" I said with joy in my voice as he picked me up and spun me around. "Y/n where were you and if I look tired don't blame me blame you two for doing PDA!" Draco said, "and why was Dan spinning you around for?" Draco asked. "Well guess.
There's baby sweetcorn and baby peas with baby carrots in the fridge"I told him, also giving a clue but he nodded and ate some food for breakfast. "Draco what word have I repeated three times?" I asked him. "Baby. It was baby. Wait a second your pregnant and having a baby!" He asked with an exited look on his face. ''Yes you're going to be a uncle not a baby though but babies! Do you and Cristina want to be godparents?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

Draco's POV
My. Sister. Is. Pregnant! Oh. My. God! I'm going to be a uncle. I hope there's a girl and a boy. I asked for permission to tell mother and father that Y/n was having twins.

To Mother and Father,
I have just found out that Y/n is pregnant with twins so can you come over and see how she's doing. She would have written it herself but she needs rest. What about tonight at eight? It would be great if you come.
From your son
Draco Malfoy

Narcissa's POV
I saw Draco's owl fly through the window, drop the letter then flue back out again. I read the letter and was surprised. Y/n is pregnant!
"Lucius!" I called as he rushed down the stairs. I gave him the letter and he read it with wide eyes and looked at the clock. It was quarter too eight at night so we flooed to the honeymoon place.

The Older Sister Of Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now