New Job

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"Should I pack you some  Bhindi?" Samia asked Azhar while he tossed a piece of bread.

"Are you serious mama? Do you want my office colleagues to make fun of me?" He rolled his eyes over her.

"Its fine, I don't think it's shameful to take your lunch with you" I said, placing the newspaper on the table.

"Have you ever been to an office dad?" Azhar asked, even though he knew I never went to one.

"Look son, I know I work at a small grocessry store but still I know about the inside of other places.. It's.."

"Woah woah.. Leave , I got it" He raised his hands halfway into the air and continued to eat.

We provided him with everything but honestly we forgot to teach him manners.

"I'm leaving, bye" He said, holding his bag on his shoulder and walking away.

"Who says 'Bye'? Say  " Allah Hafiz" before you leave " I snapped.

"Allah Hafiz betaaa" Yelled Samia while He only replied with 'okay'.

"He always says Salaam before he leaves, he must have forgotten"

"You are responsible for the behavior he has today!" It was upsetting to see him ignore my words.

"You were the one who never allowed me to scold him or even pinch him, words are not always enough to make kids understand some things" She frowned and walked away.

She's right. I'm responsible as well.
Why did I even talk to her like that?

I finished half of my breakfast and went to my room, Samia was dusting the table and Shelf. She didn't even looked at me.

She's seriously upset.

While she dusted the top shelf, I held her waist from the back and her left wrist. She eyed me suspiciously, as if I had grown two heads.

"Amir, What are you doing, Azhar.." She panicked while a smile danced around her lips.

"He's not home, anyways.. I'm sorry" I said making a puppy face.

"You still haven't changed" She chuckled.

How much I adore that smile, o lady!

" 33 years? We aren't that old " I winked.

"33 Years of marriage MashaAllah, not our age "  She laughed and lightly slapped.

Those brown curls tied up into a bun and a curl lying loose on her face. Her Hazel eyes and those wrinkles which I adore, her flaws are beautiful. Fair skin and weak body.

"I can never see you upset" I muttered.

"After this, I might get upset more often". We both laughed and ended up hugging each other, feeling the comfort and warmth.

" We both will change Him Amir, He'll be a good person In Sha Allah"  Said Samina.

"And more closer to Allah" I added.



Azhar's Pro

As I entered, I found people walking in the hall but in a rush, some arguing on their cellphone, some tapping their foot at the waiting area and there was a continuous 'Hum'. Different expression at every person's face, worried, excited, suspicious, tensed, furious and some even expressionless.

It was a huge hall, with two stairs at different sides, I went up the stairs entering a room where every person was busy typing something on their computers, some running with a bunch of files into and out of Mr Nadeem's room, I was 2 minutes late, did they all came like an hour earlier?

"Mr Azhar?" I followed the voice, a woman in hijab stood behind me, her green eyes glittering, her abaya without crease but a serious unwelcoming expression.

"Hey" I said, smiling while she stood there frowning instead.

"Assalam o alaekum"

Yeah Mr American, Nice try.

*embarrassed *

"Walaekum Assalam" I replied hesitantly.

I didn't even replied to my parents this morning and right now I'm ..

"You have been called to Mr Nadeem's office immediately" She said gritting her teeth.

What did I do?

I followed her to the office and she left as soon as I entered his room.

"Salam Mr Azhar!" Said Mr Nadeem.

"Walaekum Salam" I smiled and we shaked our hands. Damn, his grip, he's old but strong.

"You know you are late" he said. Sitting back in his chair, black coat and pant with lemon yellow T-shirt inside. No tie.

"Yes Sir, only two minutes late" I relaxed back in my chair.

"YOU ARE FIRED!" he shouted.




"Why?" I could hardly speak, I felt my throat dry.

Did anyone else heard him saying that?

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