Ch 1.

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(Brooklyn and Bailey are the twins in this story! pic above. Bailey is Tessa and Brooklyn is Allison. Bailey is on the right and Brooklyn on the left.)

Ally walked over to me, seeing that I was struggling with homework.
"Tess, that's due next week." She looked at me with a confused face.
"Yeah I know. I just need to do something to get my mind off of ya know..." I looked at her sadly. Our brother had died last week. Not that we really cared, but we still were a little sad. Bob was always a jerk to us, making fun and hitting us all the time. I still don't know why. Maybe it was because we did not go outside much. We were both scared of what would happen if we did. The only thing we did was school. We were too scared to do sports, we didn't wanna stay after school, thats where bad people hang out.
"Tess, I know we both hate him. Your just a nerd!"
Ally said while giggling.
"Am not! Your the one who makes better grades!"
We both started going at each other. In a sisterly way, we didn't mean it. We had a great bond, always doing things for each other. After a while we settled down to watch TV. Mom let us get our own TV since we liked to watch different things. Our parents don't care about us now that Bob died. They just give us money and tell us to be home by 12. Even if we were going somewhere, which we never do, we wouldn't be out till 12. Bob did though. Mom and Dad only cared about Bob, making sure he was ok when he came home every night. I don't know why, he was always drunk cussing at both of us when we stepped near him.
Another reason we hated him, he was irresponsible. Plus we knew he jumped Greasers a lot. One time he came home with blood on his hands and our parents blamed them selves for it. Those poor Greasers. I don't see why their treated different. Just because they have less money and have greasy hair doesn't mean they don't have feelings. Their humans too.
After a few episodes of Mickey, I went to sleep. Tomorrow I thought me and Ally could go do something. Why not? I had always wanted to go to a movie but never did, Bob and his friends always went their to hit on girls behind their girlfriends backs. Cherry was Bob's girlfriend and I think she liked us, she always invited us over and we would eat lunch together. After Bob died we don't see her around as much. I think she might be a little depressed, she loved Bob. I fell asleep thinking about Socs and Greasers.


I finally was out of the hospital. I could even walk! The doctors said I wouldn't but I did. My burns eventually healed up and I was just as good as new. My parents don't beat on me as much since they moved of course. They kept the house so now I have it to myself. After the rumble the Socs stopped jumping us as much as they used to which was nice. When I came back to school I got a lot of nice comments for being a hero, even from Randy. Things changed a lot, and I was a happier person. I even got a girl her names, Lillian. I think I may end things soon, she dates me because if my fame. Nah, I ain't famous people just like me a lot better. The one thing that surprised me was that Tessa and Alison don't hate me for killing their brother. They were two Socs, I think. They seemed in the middle but I don't know. They were twins and looked exactly the same. Tessa had shorter hair that was at her shoulders about. Alison had long hair. They both had light brown hair and the prettiest eyes ever with long eyelashes. They were 15 one year younger than me. And boy, they didn't do anything. They sure were different. But I cant judge.
"Hey Johnny! Wanna go to the Nightly Double with me tomorrow? " Pony asked. I nodded my head,
"Yeah man, what movie is it?"
"Gone with the Wind! The book I read to yah." He yelled from the bathroom. He was fixing his now brown/blonde hair since I bleached it. I smiled to myself thinking about the church. I looked at the clock it was 7:55.
"Shoot man we gonna be late for school." I yelled, running out of the house. I heard Ponyboy chase after me. We got to school late but I didn't care, we were greasers it was ok.
"Students this is the end of the school year. Finals will be soon so heres a study guide for you to go over, Johnny Cade! Late again, have a seat." Mrs. Hadley told me when I walked in class. I could feel all eyes on my as I sat in the back putting my head down I hated the attention. (AFTER SCHOOL)
"Hey Johnyyyy!" Lillian came up to me batting her lashes.
"Uh, hey umm I'm sorry but I just don't think we should date anymore." I said shyly. She looked at me with her eyes narrowed. Oh crap.
"Fine! I only dated you for fame anyways!" She then slapped my face. Eh, that was comin' for me. She strutted away, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked for Pony and saw him talking to Tessa!? I ran over there wanting to know why he was.
"No its ok! If it were between me and you, I hated Bob. Really I did." Tessa was telling Pone.
"Uh, Pony. Whats going on?" I asked. Alison walked over looking more confused than me. They were both shorter than I thought. They were about to my shoulder.
"Well, Tess here asked about well when you killed Bob." My face went white. Oh no.
"I-I am real sorry. R-really! I was just s-scared." I tried explaining.
"Johnny, this sounds bad but, I'm glad you did." Alison said looking down.
"Oh, I uh sorry?" I said sounding more like a question. They laughed. They both had real pretty smiles. Whoa Johnny you just met 'em calm down.
"It was nice meeting you! Maybe we can hang out again?" Tessa said as she walked away to Bobs old car. I shivered, that car was all too familiar. I gave them a thumbs up meaning we would see each other again. I smiled, those twins may not be all that weird.
"Whatcha smiling 'bout Johnny?" Pony asked with a smirk.
"Why would you- oh, I see what your gettin' at." I laughed. Pony was good at telling my emotions. He had a sense about it somehow.


"So, I saw you staring at Johnny!" I told Tess. She started blushing and I knew she had something for him. He was cute but hey if Tess actually likes a guy, he's all hers.
"I was not! He killed our brother how could I? Actually thats a reason I would like him!" She laughed. She asked if I wanted to go to the movies tonight.
"I-I don't know. Maybe?" I said.
"We are! End of story! Now drive faster I need to get ready!" She yelled.
"Why you starting to dress for boys?" I smirked.
"No! Its just our first time out, I wanna look nice!" She said. I pulled into our large home. She opened the door and walked inside. She ran to her room and locked the door so I couldn't get in.
"Hey! I wanna pick your outfit! Please!" I begged. The door opened and I walked to her closet picking an outfit. This was gonna be fun.

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