Chapter 1

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Tigerkit rolled his eyes at the feud between his two sisters. They were bickering about anything that they could think of! At the moment the two were arguing about the apprentices. The stripped tom could have sworn that he heard something about Halfpaw but he stayed quiet listening to them both bicker since he didn't want to get in the middle of it.

"Stop talking so bad about Blackpaw! At least he is a nice apprentice unlike Halfpaw." Flamekit scuffed with a hiss. Her fluffy fur was fluffed up. She looked mad that the other she cat was talking about the cat she supposedly liked.

"For the last time, I don't like Halfpaw. I would never like him! I wouldn't like an apprentice before I am one! I'm not like you who has a crush on the leader's apprentice who is almost a warrior." Bluekit hissed back at the other female. Tigerkit just rolled his eyes. It was all stupid in his mind.

"I don't have a crush on Blackpaw! He's a friend unlike you. He at least takes care of me and doesn't hiss at me. You are the worst sister ever!" Flamekit then growled and lashed her small tail. It woke Shadow up from her nap. The queen blinked her eyes.

"What are you two arguing about? It interrupted my nap." She asked. Tigerkit cowered back over to his mother and curled up against her warm fur.

"They were arguing about some of the apprentices." He spoke quietly wanting to hide in his mother's fur away from the two she cats. They had been doing this since they got done with their game of hide and seek.

"Which apprentices was it about?" Shadow asked the small tom since he had been answering all her questions even if it was just one.

"It was about Blackpaw and Halfpaw." He whimpered but felt his mother's tail wrap around him to keep him safe.

"Is that right?" Shadow asked directing her look to the ginger she cat and the white she cat.

"Yes." The two both admitted not trying to think of an excuse or blame the other one.

"Now why is that? Halfpaw has been nothing but mean to you, and Blackpaw has been a good friend to all of you." Shadow asked them gently even though her light blue eyes were still in a glare. She could get scary when she was mad. That could have been one of the perks of being a rouge for so long.

"Bluekit was saying that Halfpaw was nice to her and that Blackpaw is a bad apprentice and I was trying to say he was really good and wants to teach me some hunting techniques!" Flamekit squeaked. Tigerkit quickly nodded since that was the truth. That had started the whole thing.

"Bluekit, why would you say that Blackpaw is a bad apprentice?" She asked the she cat next.

"It's because my judgement isn't clouded like Flamekit's is since she likes him!" Bluekit said quickly.


There will be a lot of updates in this book today so be ready

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