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As the final B flat of the school bell gave one final toll signaling the end of the school day, Jeremy walked out into the parking lot to meet up with his (only) friend. He, though this was a regular occurrence, knew that something was particularly odd about today. As such, his nerves were always on edge, much to the SQUIP's dismay.
It wasn't long before in the midst of Jeremy's worrying that he found the only PT Cruiser in the parking lot, with a very anxious Michael waving from it. He waved back with an awkward grin on his face, and walked toward the car. He, though it took several tries, opened the faulty door that almost always refused to open. The two pulled away from the school and began to drive in a deafening silence.
Well don't just stand there gawking at him, say something. Ask him how his day was, or something meaningless like that.
Jeremy, as per usual, obeyed and acted accordingly.
"So, um, Michael!" This caused Michael to snap out of the trance he had been in previously and focus more on his friend.
"Yeah, Jer?" He asked.
"Well, I was just wondering, how was your day? You seem a little..." he looked his friend up and down, who looked as if he had been drained of all life. "...tired."
"Yeah, it's just, I haven't slept in..." he trailed off before he could finish his sentence and totally forgot he was having a conversation altogether. That was, until, Jeremy decided to keep the conversation alive.
"You haven't slept in..?" Jeremy said, trying to get Michael to finally finish his sentence.
"Yeah, like three days." Michael yawned. It was soft and a little high pitched, and Jeremy couldn't help but to feel a little heat on his cheeks.
You're staring at him, focus.
(Shut up.) Jeremy wanted to enjoy this moment as much as he possibly could. "-and I have something kinda important on my mind right now, so school on top of all of that doesn't really do any favors." Jeremy took note of his fragile state as he saw that they had finally pulled into Michael's driveway.
Acknowledge that you heard him. Sympathize or something.
"Uh, yeah, that totally sucks!" Jeremy said. "You should seriously get some sleep, you don't look too good. If you need me to go-"
"NO! I mean, no, you can stay, if that's okay with you." Jeremy knew something was very wrong. Michael never acted like this. They went down to the wooden paneled basement to a well loved gaming station with two galaxy beanbags waiting for them. They  plopped down before deciding to play Overwatch. They had played a couple rounds before Jeremy had noticed that Michael couldn't stay awake to play games for much longer. Jeremy turned off the console and turned over to Michael with concern in his eyes.
"Hey what the- why'd you do that?" Michael looked infuriated.
"You just- you seem so tired. I can't let keep trying to function like this. If you need to sleep, or talk about anything while I'm here-"
"Uh, yeah, about that," Michael started, "the real reason I haven't been sleeping is because I keep having the same nightmare. I'm in the dark alone, and, you just abandoned me? You called me a loser. You were totally different though.  You were super popular and cool and had been ignoring me for months. I just don't know what I would do if that happened." Tears began to well up in his eyes. "Just-" he let out a deep sigh. "Just promise me you won't leave me."
(Wait, I wanted to be cool in the first place? How could he know? Why is this happening?) Jeremy asked the SQUIP, slightly afraid. (Am I gonna be like that?)
No, Jeremy, I'm not going to make you like that. It won't happen, believe me. Now, please get back to the task at hand and comfort him.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you." He gave a genuine smile. "Promise."
Michael flung himself onto Jeremy, and shortly fell asleep on top of him. Jeremy couldn't help but to notice how his chest would rise and fall, and how tranquil he was, and how his hair was a soft tangle of ebony, and-
You like him.
Jeremy, save us both time and just admit you're gay for your best friend.
(I-I'm gay for my best friend.) Jeremy was a shade of scarlet.
Good. Now I can help you win him over if yo-"
Jeremy didn't wait for the SQUIP to finish his sentence. (YES I WANT TO WIN HIM OVER HOW DO I DO IT)
Confess your feelings. If you didn't pick up on it, it's blatantly obvious that he reciprocates your affection, so I wouldn't worry about rejection. The SQUIP seemed confident in his statement.
(Okay, but can I just enjoy this moment for right now?) Jeremy looked down at the sleeping mess that was Michael.
Yes, of course. I'll shut down for now so you can enjoy this. And Jeremy did, savoring every moment Michael was sound asleep so he couldn't possibly know that while he was dreaming,
Jeremy planted a kiss on his forehead.

Squipped Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora