5: kitten Jaehee

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Jumin: Assistant Kang, where are you?

Jumin: You can't ignore me. I am your boss.

I put down my phone. I watch as the brown kitten sits there. Assistant Kang might be able to find Elizabeth. Now I am sitting here with a brown kitten. The kitten gets and trots over to me. She just sits right there. I hate to admit it, but she is more behave. She looks like she is trying to get onto the couch. I tap the couch. I need a name for her. Just out of spite, because my assistant doesn't know how to respond to my messages, I am going to name her, Jaehee.

Her first attempt to pounce onto the couch she ends up hitting her head and falls backwards. She gets back up and takes a couple of steps back. She runs and jumps onto the couch. Her front half makes contact as she begins to fall back down. I start chuckling. She looks around and stops at a bag close to the couch. She jumps on top of it and on the couch.

"Smart kitten." She sits down on the other end of the couch. She lay down begin nuzzling the couch. She move closer and closer to the edge. I pick her up and place her in my lap.

"I am going to call you Jaehee." She perk up to that name. "I guess you like it." She lays down and fell asleep. I fell asleep with her on my lap. When I woke up, she was no were to be seen. I heard a knock on the door. I get up and answer it. It's Assistant Kang.

"Sir, I been trying to reply back to your messages to inform you that they did find Elizabeth." She hands me a carrier. "She is in here." She gives me a smile.

"Thank you. I will see you tomorrow." I close the door and open the carrier. "You poor thing."

Jaehee POV:

I turn around and sigh. I glance down at the tail coming out of my skirt. Just a couple of more minutes. I am jealous of that cat though. I would be spoil too

Lovable Little Kitten (Jaehee x Jumin)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang