4: Laughter

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In this world, laughter is beautiful. The sound of it is melody graze with harmony at a tempo. That the sound I was listening to. A beautiful laugh. Who the source is? Assistant Kang. She is not laughing at what I said. She is laughing with me. It is strange to hear her laugh, but for some reason, it makes me happy to hear her laugh just once in a while. It's rare for me to hear it though in real life due to work. Over the phone, is the only time I could hear it. Zen is lucky. I know that he makes her laugh whenever she visits him or he visits her. I just wish I can make her laugh in person. I try telling jokes to her one time, but it was confusing considering she had to explain some of them to me. By some, I meant most of them. Sometimes we never even speak to each other.

"I am sorry."

"About what?"

"About the way I acted today." She accidentally spill her coffee on one her coworkers.

"That was actually quite humoring. By the way, I will be over tonight."

I can here a groan from over the phone.


I smirk. "But not with Elizabeth." I hang up the phone and leave at that.

Hello. This is Hyno here. I am going to update this book twice or three times a week. I just put out my advice book. That is all I wanted to say.

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