Chapter Fourteen.

Start from the beginning

I don’t know where he was talking me but with every bump and jolt, the pain sky rocketed. I wanted to pass out, I begged for it to stop but something stopped my mind from blocking the pain and I was forced to take it all.

The car stopped and I was pulled out of the truck. I didn’t know where he was taking me but I prayed that he got there soon because not even his touch could stop the pain. I felt my toes break one by one, then the bones in my feet, ankles and legs.

I felt him lay me on the ground as the bones in my torso began cracking; ribs cracking one by one, spine snapping one disc at a time.

It was silent for a few seconds- no more whimpers, no more breaking bones, no more pain and I thought that maybe, just maybe, it had stopped.

I was wrong.

I arched towards the sky, a loud, pain filled howl escaping my lips as my neck snapped.

I lay on the floor, staring up at the wooden slated ceiling with a red haze marring my vision. My body was broken, pain settled heavily throughout my entire body and my head was pounding worse than it ever had.

Blood trickled from my nose as my face began painfully moving, like it was being remoulded. I felt my nose elongate, my ears and teeth extend and my nails lengthen- it was agony, like someone was trying to rip my nails off and my face from my body. Next, it felt like a million little needles were emerging from my skin; fur.

A loud growl escaped me as my bones shifted, muscles corded and snapped as I transformed. I crouched on all fours as my hands and feet transformed into paws, my spine lengthening to form a tail.

My head pounded and the red haze intensified; I wanted to kill something, sink my teeth deep into their flesh, taste their coppery blood until their heart stopped beating, revel in their fear, the utter desperation of knowing they were going to die.

My eyes locked onto a warm body that crouched next to me and with a feral growl I lunged, sinking my teeth into them. His blood tasted divine, his flesh was warm and I wanted more- but they didn’t lie down and take it. They ripped themselves away from me with a loud growl before I felt a massive weight press down on my back.

I froze and felt them relax before I rolled, squashing them beneath my giant body. They pushed me off of them with little effort though and this time when the weight landed on my body, I felt teeth digging into the junction of my shoulder and neck. I wiggled around, trying to get free but as I felt their teeth slid deeper into my body, a feeling of great pleasure swept through me and I growled.  

Before I could comprehend what had happened they were gone and the red haze was gone, only to find that I was lying on my back… completely naked. I squawked and tried covering myself with my hands but it did no good. My entire body ached and as I looked at the naked male before me, all I saw was the blood that was smeared across his torso.

“Oh my god Yiannis!” I cried, sitting upright and reaching my hand out towards the puncture marks on his arm that were almost completely healed. “I am so sorry!” I felt tears slid down my cheeks as I realised what I’d done; I’d hurt someone, someone I actually did care about, someone who had simply been trying to help me.

I was a monster.

I curled in on myself, feeling his gaze on me. I couldn’t bear to look at him and as he stood and walked away, sobs trapped in my chest. I’d hurt him, I’d attacked him, I had actually wanted to kill him.

I felt something heavy draped over me and then he crouched down in front of me. “Hey Evan, how are you feeling?”

I looked up at him blankly until my gaze landed on the blood covering his body and the tears began anew; it was scary to think I could have killed somebody. “I could have killed you.” I whispered.

I didn’t expect him to laugh, but that’s exactly what he did. “Ev, you couldn’t kill me if you tried; it’s nice to know you care though.” He paused, his gaze fixed to my neck where he’d bitten me. My hand flew to it, expecting an open wound, but all my hand met was a raised set of scarred teeth marks. “I shouldn’t have marked you without your permission, I’m sorry; I honestly didn’t mean to bite that deep.”

“Mark?” I vaguely remember hearing a few of the wolves using that word when they were talking about two of the wolves who’d found mates.

 He watched me like I was a wild animal… I guess I was now, though my mind couldn’t wrap itself around what had just happened- the pain was very fresh though. “A male marks a female as his mate by biting her on her shoulder; it tells others that she’s taken and wards off other males. I’m sorry, you should have had the choice as to whether you wanted it.”

My eyes narrowed as my finger traced over the scarring- it tingled, like I had pins and needles, but it felt… good.  I rubbed my temple before wrapping the blanket around me tighter, offering him a small smile. “It stopped.” His mark seemed to have calmed the pressure in my head- the constant pounding that felt like a wild animal was trying to escape from my head. I didn’t feel like I wanted to kill him one second, and then kiss him the next either.

He moved closer, resting an arm on my knee. “What’s stopped?”

“The pressure in my head.”

He seemed to understand, though he looked worried. “Is that what trigged your shift?”

Well at least I knew what that word meant; the wolves used it to describe their transition between human and wolf. I shook my head, hesitant to tell him- he looked so worried though and he was too kind to me. “My uncle died in the dining room; I was the one who found his body three days later, I haven’t been in there since.” He moved closer, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my body to his chest in a warm hug. “It sent me over the edge.” That and the fact that there had been a constant pounding in my head that made me want to rip apart anyone in my immediate vicinity.

This wasn’t like me at all and frankly it scared me; what had that wolf done to me?

Sorry for the long wait, in two weks I won't have any more assignments or tests so look out for another updat then. Like always, please don't forget to vote, comment, spread the word about this book, follow me if you like my work and feel free to message me!

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