Chapter One

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2014,March 01.09:45am.

"We're moving?"Rocky asked in confusion."But why papa?we're okay here...and if we move,i'll be far from my friends."

Mr.Parker looks at him for a moment and sighed."Make a new one then."

"make a new one.?are you kidding me?And what about Andriia?..."Rocky laughed mockily."make a new one then!"Papa,it's not a thing we're talking here!It's my friend and Andriia"

"then stay here.But what am I to you?your decision will tell."

"Papa,please don't give me a bastard crap...there's no reason for us to leave so we stay here both."

"yes.there's a reason"Mr.Parker said with strong feelings."I'm in trouble and I have to go away"and sighed in fustration.

"what trouble?and do you think going away will solve your problem?"I said in both question and statement.

"No.But they will kill me...a-and maybe y-you."Mr.Parker said as he's stuttering."I can't lose you Rocky.You're my only son,the only wealth I have and the only thing you're mother left"Mr.Parker cries when he remember his wife.I hugged him so it'll reduce the heavy feelings in his heart.I can't decide what to do.But I can't let him live away without me insight.He's old enough to manage himself yet he works still for he don't want to be a burden to me.He works hard until now and then,though sicky symptoms attacked him almost always.The things I don't like about him are he's stronghead and troublesome.I kept on telling not to get in trouble but trouble find it's way to get in to him.And I just can't blame him.

I let out a sigh and said"Okay we'll leave.Maybe I can visit Andriia here,thrice a week."Papa smiled at me as I made a decision.


It's been a long day and I'm already tired.I lie down the bed and close my eyes.I fell asleep easily.When I wake up,it's 9:42 in the morning.I pulled out clothes from my drawer and run fast into the bathroom.I felt sticky when I woke up.Maybe It's because of the hot season plus I forgot to open the aircon.When I'm done,I went down straight to kitchen and I saw papa preparing food.Omelet and bacon for the morning.I'm hungry and my tummy's complaining.I sat down and put some food into my plate.I ate like I didn't eat for a week.

Mr.Parker looked at me."You must be very hungry young man.What happened?"

"uhm...nothing papa.I just feel like eating and maybe you cooked good food"I smiled at him.

"I always did."*smiles*"but you never been that way before hmp."

I just smile at him then leave after finishing my breakfast.I walk down the road way to Andriia's home.It's five block's away from mine's.I have to tell here that I'm leaving and I'll just visit him thrice a week.

When I'm in their frontyard I see Mrs.Beck watering her flowers."Hi Mrs.Beck"I greet to call her attention and smile.

"oh,Hi Rocky!Andriia's inside.Come in."She led me inside as she pat her hands in her skirt.

"How are you Mrs.Beck?"

"I'm good.Thank you!and you?"


And then Andriia come out from the kitchen.I kissed on her cheek."How's you honey"

"I'm fine.So what brought you here ha?"

"Hey honey,lets sit and stop asking me such questions.It seems that you don't like that I'm here."I smile just to tease her.

"Oh no honey.I'm just asking.Uhm never mind it.Do you want apple pie.We have here.wait i'll get one for you"

I look at her and the sadness fill me up again.I can't leave her but I can't live without my father though.I don't how to tell her my situation but I'll enjoy every second that we have now before telling her.God knows that I will miss her.She's the love of my life although we fight sometimes.

I'm out of somewhere when she came."Hey honey!any problem?"she asked out of concern.

I look at her and smile"nothing honey"



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