sick feeling part 3

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bailey pov

"we need mike" tee said as she ran over to ryan

"i really don't think this is food poisoning" johnny said

tee walked out the bathroom and made her way to the office were mike was and she ran though the door and said "mike you need to call a ambulance, ryan pass out after throwing up" tee said panicking a bit

"ok i will ok where is he who is with him?" he said dailing 999

"um with bailey and johnny, they were fighting so there was blood and then, and then, he ended passing out" tee said rushed

"hey tee it is ok, the ambulance is coming let me phone may-lee so that see can take you guys can get to school, we need move ryan into his room" tee nodded and then said johnny and bailey already had done that they are in his room now" tee said

"ok may-lee is on her way and she wants to see ryan before he leaves, i think we should go up stairs" mike said running up the stairs into ryans room where me and johnny had put him on his bed, he looks so pale and like he cant breath i was scared for him.

everyone was starting to know get up and go down stairs, i went down to see them all looking confused, "hey whats going on, where mike and why do you look so scared." carmon said

"ryan... he passed out after throwing up around 7 am and it has been about 1 hour and he still had not woken up yet... so mike has called a ambulance.." i said slowly trying to process everything that happened.

mike came down stairs and give a small smile to all the others and opened the door to see 3 paramedics, one of them said "hey you are mike an't you, here for ryan reeves," mike nodded "this way he is in his room" theparamedics followed mike up stairs

after about 20 min may-lee came and she looked like she just come out off bed. which she had.

when the paramedics came down stairs ryan was be hide them he had a paramedic next to him and he was drip white, he was wearing a oxygen mask and the paramedic called Jessie was sat next to him on the hall way step. the paramedic was saying stuff like 'how are you feeling' or 'sweetheart you going to be ok'. ryan said "do i have to wear this"

"sorry yes it i rules and i know you are finding it hard to breath that is easier" jessie said ryan nodded

Ryan put his elbow on his knee and put his head in his hand i saw him close his eyes.i felt so bad for him.

jessie put her hand on his bad hand and she pick his arm up making sure it was not broken

the other paramedic came over and said I think we know what it is

"We think, it is.......

leave it there should we.

bye i know this was short the next one will be long

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