Chapter 4: Capturing The Queen

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  I slam my fist down on the steering wheel again. Frustration was beginning to get the best of me.

I had left the school with Stiles threat still looming over me and a hunch my father was reeking havoc at the hospital. But when I showed up, there wasn't one sign of the alpha pack in sight. I was forced to walk across town- thanks to Ethan for not only abandoning me, but taking his motorcycle with him.

After arriving back at the apartment I was met with no further signs of life. With no one answering their phones and restlessness growing inside me, I stole Ennis's car and went off on my own search party.

Just when it seems like I have spent countless hours of searching for nothing, a silver lining appears- or rather, a shining blue Jeep.

Driving by the Animal Clinic, I almost miss the notorious vehicle peeking out from behind the side of the building. My foot eases down on the brakes as I turn into the empty parking lot. It would seem everyone had fled town, but spotting the Jeep gives me a new sense of hope. Where ever Scott went- Stiles would follow close behind.

Finding Stiles was nothing compared to the elaborate plan I would have to conjure up in order to get inside. The walls of the building are lined with Wolfsbane, preventing any werewolf from using their abilities to get in or out. Judging from past experience, I wasn't going to be able to just walk through the front door. I can only hope Deaton keeps his back door unlocked.

The rough brick scrapes against the bare skin of my arm as I creep around the side of the building. But the sound of shuffling feet brings me to an abrupt stop.

A panicked voice breaks the silence, "Yes, I know Derek. But Scott said to wait." Stiles.

I strain to hear Derek's response over the sound of the boy's nervous pacing.

I peer around the corner, catching a glimpse of Stiles. He runs his hand through his tousled hair, looking rather frustrated. Then the pacing stops and Stiles jaw tenses. Derek's response must not have been very insightful. "Something's coming. The deer hitting Lydia's car, her dog biting her and now the sacrificial birds. These animals are scared and something tells me, we should be to."

Animals going out of control? That would explain the crows, but what about the incident with Lydia's car, her dog? No longer associated with Scott's misfit pack, I had forgotten just how far I had been kept in the dark. Even Deucalion- my conniving and cunning father refused to leak information to me. I hated the thought of becoming the omega in a pack of alphas, but as long as I am breathing and able to fight, my father will not overthrow me from my true status in the pack. I would just have to find other ways to satisfy my insatiable craving for knowledge.

Stiles voice only rises from there. The conversation quickly escalating into an argument. "How are you so sure it's Deucalion doing this? Last time I checked, the man was brought down by his own daughter. Now he's controlling hundreds of birds to attack innocent teenagers? Doesn't exactly seem like his style." There's the distinct muffling of voice from the other line. "Trust me, Lucy is in no condition to help us. Not unless she has some persuasion."

I lean forward, straining to hear Derek's response. I lose my balance and topple forward, nearly plunging face first into the alley. At the last second I reach out, gripping the brick wall for support. Stiles head twists in my direction and I flatten back against the building's hard surface. There's a moment of silence, but no impending footsteps that would suggest he saw me. Then he turns his attention back to the phone.

"Scott said he had a plan and he does." Stiles stops to take a breath and I wait impatiently for him to continue. But something much strange is happening. I can hear his heartbeat beginning to speed up. His voice drops to a hushed whisper as he speaks into the speaker of his cell phone. "It worked. She's here."

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