23. Poor Unfortunate Souls

Start from the beginning

"I know, this is scary." Harry said calmly, gripping Louis' face in his hands. "But we don't have a choice right now. I won't sit back when I can do something about it, and help our friends."

"Haz..." Louis trailed off as Harry leaned in to kiss him gently.

"We're going to be fine." He said. "Now lets go, it sounds like its getting crazy out there."

Never did Louis think that it was possible, but Harry made him smile, and even laugh a little at the absurdity of the situation. No matter where they were or what was going on around them, Harry had an aura about him that gave him hope. It was amazing.


Louis went back over to their trunk and tossed Harry a sword in it's scabbard, a leather tunic and then pulled out a bow and arrow.

"Find a tree and shoot at them from above." He said as he pushed the weapon into his hands. "The sword is for backup. Please, baby, stay safe."

"You too." Harry answered as he slipped the sword and quiver of arrows over his shoulder and tested the bowstring. "I love you."

"I love you too." Louis said as he adjusted his own sword. "Now, let's go."


Louis slashed his sword as he fought off an oncoming pirate, then ducked as the man charged and went over the railing, falling to his death.

He wiped his forehead and looked around where he was standing. There was yelling and screaming all around him, fighting everywhere he looked. Just in time, he stepped backwards for Perrie and charge at another pirate, sending him falling over the edge of the railing too. Up where they were, the easiest way to get rid of the oncoming threat was to let them fall over the railing of the rope bridges they were standing on. He had about 2 seconds to reassess what the fuck he was doing, before he had to run down towards where he saw someone needing help.

Honestly, he was terrified. This whole thing was more than he'd signed up for in the grand scheme of things. He wanted to help Neverland, but this was a lot to ask he thought. At least knowing Harry was safe and perched in a tree somewhere made him feel infinitely better about what was going on.

Neverland, and the Lost Boys camp, was supposed to be a safe place. It was somewhere for the Lost boys and girls to have fun and get away, it wasn't supposed to be a battle ground. Though it made him feel better that after they'd defeated the pirates, Neverland would be safe again and they would be able to go home.

Louis jumped down the last couple of steps on the bridge, then grabbed a rope and slid himself down to the ground before running to help his friends.

Slash. Slash. Stab.

Another one down before he spun and moved on to the next, taking care of him too. It didn't really register with him that he was actually killing these pirates, probably because he was only really focused on protecting his friends, and Harry. It was the most important thing to him.

After getting rid of a couple more nasty pirates, Louis managed to have a second where he could look around and take in what was going on around him.

Liam and Niall were working together to fight off the oncoming pirates only a couple meters away from him.

In the dining hall, Louis could see people up on tables fighting, including Pan himself. He was fighting off a couple of pirates, seemingly okay. He was darting amongst them, taking care of them relatively easily. He was standing on top of a table, just having run through a pirate with his sword when it happened.

He had a grin on his face, watching his Lost Boys and Girls as they fought for their home and freedom. He was proud.

It almost happened in slow motion. Louis saw a pirate coming up behind him, and Pan couldn't see. There was a sick grin on his face as he jumped up onto a chair, and then the table behind their fearless leader. Louis watched on horror, yelling out to his friend, but it was too late. Everyone stopped fighting as Louis screamed, and turned to watch the scene unfold.

The pirate brought his sword in front of Pan, the boy's eyes filling with fear, and slit his throat.

And just like that, Pan was dead.

There was a moment of silence where no one knew what to do. The room was filled with shock, hands covered mouths and eyes filled with tears.

But the battle was still going. Louis pushed through the crowd as the fighting started again, desperately trying to get to Pan. He jumped up onto the table and sat beside his body, taking his face in his hands.

"Oh my God." Louis whispered, tears filling his eyes. He tried desperately to stop the bleeding but it was a lost cause, Pan was already gone. He closed his friend's eyes and took a moment, before looking up around the rest of the room.

As if everyone shared the same thought at the same time, the rest of the Lost Boys and Girls stepped up their fight and fought with twice the strength and determination. For their late leader.

And in that moment, the battle turned and luck was on their side.

The Lost Kids were going to win.




um, hi ... ?!

i finished uni for the semester, so I'm back? i guess?

sorry i've been gone so long. a lot of things have happened in my life since last time we were here.

but hey, i'm here now!

i've missed you all, how've you all been?! 

Lights, Camera, Harry reached 1M reads?! y'all are insane i love you all so much xx

thanks for still being here, i owe you the world <3

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