Chapter 3

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(You’re POV)

“Where here.” Miko said as they stood in front of a huge boulder that was split in half.

The four of you kneeled at the foot of the boulder and removed your hoods. You kneeled there for hours praying, asking for a sign to tell them what to do next. Then you heard a voice.

“What are four kids doing kneeling at the foot of the shrine of the Band of Seven?” the mysterious voice asked.

Without moving your bowed head you answered “My companions and I are paying our respects.” After a few moments you heard them leave.

After a few more minutes the four of you stood and raised the hoods of the cloaks the four of you always wore to cover the tattoos your mother’s gave you. With one last look you started off.

The four of you were sitting around a campfire eating breakfast.

“Excuse me. Are you by chance the Yu-Yen warriors? A young boy who was clearly a messenger asked.

“What’s it to you.” Kimikio answered as she observed him from underneath her hood.

“We are” you say shooting a glance at your Kimikio.

“Now it’s our turn to ask a question, what do you want?” Yukio asked while putting his blowgun into his obi.

“My lord wants you to exterminate one of his rival’s army. He is willing to pay anything you want.” The boy said.

“We accept.” You stated as you rose and motioned for the boy to lead you to his lord’s castle.

Five hours later you walked into an elaborate castle. You followed the boy down numerous hallways and finally arrived at a large door. You opened the door with a flourish and walked in, flanked by your comrades. The first thing you noticed was that the lord was a young man, and second that there were five shadows in the corner but you acted like they weren’t there.

“You must be the Yu-Yen Warriors. I have heard so much about the four of you. I am Lord Kuran.” The lord said. “Now if you don’t mind could you please remove your hoods so I can get a clear look at the mercenaries’ I hired.”

“With all due respect my comrades and I prefer that our identities not be reveled, one of the reasons we’re the best is because no one has seen our faces.” You said in an authoritative tone. “And when did you plan to tell us about the five men in the corner. Surly we won’t be working with them, as you’ve probably heard, we work alone.”

“Perhaps for enough gold you can make an exception.” Lord Kuran said persuasively.

You looked between your three comrades who all nodded their approval. “Fine but it’ll cost you.” You replied. “Now if you excuse us my friends and I would like to spar. If the five of you are up for a fighting scrimmage be in the sparring yards in five minutes.” You said that last part as you turned towards the shadows.

The four of you were waiting in the sparing yards when the five men arrived. You looked them over; a half-metal man, a man that had claws on his hands that closely resembled Yukio’s weapon, a tall man with a blue bandana on his head, a cross-dresser, and a young man with a long black braid and a huge halberd. You stepped into the ring, still wearing your cloak and motioned for the young man with the halberd to do the same. “You seem to be the leader of your band so I’ll fight you first.” You said getting into a fighting stance with your double bladed staff sorrow in your hands.

“You’re a fool girl.” Was all he said as the other men laughed. He made the first move, charging at you which you dodged easily. No matter what he did he could never hit you with his halberd or his fist. Finally you saw an opening in his form and you punched him so hard he flew into a tree twenty feet away.

“Why you wench I’ll kill you for punching Big Brother!!!” the gay guy yelled at you. You turned to look at him and stuck you tongue out at him.

“Shiori above you!” Yukio yelled. You turned to see the man swinging his halberd at you with deadly accuracy. It was so fast you wouldn’t have time to dodge it. You looked at the man and saw a smirk of triumph. Then without thinking you caught the massive halberd between your left fore and middle fingers, stopping the massive 500 pound blade inches from your face. You looked at the shocked expressions on everyone’s face. Then you realized two things, one then five men were all starring at your forehead and two your hood was down exposing your face.

“Shinta?” the man whispered

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