Chapter 2

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(Kimikio’s POV)

“Can we stop for the night yet we’ve been walking all day and my feet are killing me.” Kimikio complained for the millionth time.

“Kimikio we have been over this at least five times. We can’t stop until we get to the shrine.” Miko answered as she looked at the map they “found” a few towns back.


“No buts Kimikio besides we’re only about five miles away. A daughter of the Band of Seven can handle fie measly miles right.” Miko snapped.

(Your POV)

“Both of you will stop bickering or else.” You said in a deathly calm voice while rubbing your temples with your forefingers. You were tired of Miko and Kimikio always going at it. The four of you were the Children of the Seven for god’s sake. “What would our fathers think of they saw the two of you.” You yelled, turning around to face your three friends and comrades so suddenly that Kimikio almost ran into you. Everyone was silent for the next twenty minutes.

“We need a name.” Kimikio said happily, breaking the silence. “How about the Band of Four! Or maybe the Children of the Seven? I know the Yu-Yen Warriors.”

“I like the Yu-Yen Warriors what about you guys?” you said facing Miko and Yukio.

“Sounds good to me.” Yukio said while cracking his knuckles.

“I like it. It has a deadly ring to it.” Miko said darkly, a sly smile appearing on her face.

“Well then, ladies, Yukio, welcome to the Yu-Yen Warriors!” You said smirking.

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