Ch. 9: Do two voices make me double crazy?

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Amelie's p.o.v.

I woke up in my bed with Isobel burying her face in my neck and wagging her tail. We had been here for a while now. Tomorrow I turn eighteen. It has been really nice living with just Isobel. No fake mom that beats me, no werewolves, and no secrets. I got up and took a nice relaxing shower. When I was done I dried my hair into soft waves and put on a blue shirt and black leggings. As I walked into my now fully stocked kitchen I heard Isobel softly barking. I refilled her food and water dishes then walked to the fridge. I made some bacon and sat down at my table. Mmmmmmmm! I love bacon!

'What, no pancakes or eggs?'

The voice came out of nowhere and was clear as day. I spun around in a circle but nobody was there. I cleared my throat before I spoke.

"Who's there?"

'Silly don't you know? Father told you already. You know, you should really pay more attention to him.' The voice was soft and comforting and when she spoke a sense of safety enveloped me. At her words, I thought back to the conversations I had with Dad. I tried to think of a reason that a random person would be in my apartment, but nothing came up, especially since I had yet to see her.

'Oh my human! Learn something about your kind for once! I am in your head, I am your wolf side. My name is, ironically, Isobel. Call me Izzy though. I honestly think it's funny you subconsciously named you puppy after me. I have been in your mind for your whole life. I did the best I could to protect you, but I can't do much from in your head.' At first Izzy sounded annoyed but she ended up sad and regretful.

"Oh, well I have some questions. Will I shift? What do you look like? What do we look like in wolf form? Do we have a mate? Do we have to kill people? Why me? Do you hate vampires? Hey, aren't I a hybrid of werewolves and vampires?"

'Hey slow down girl! You will shift, we will have a mate, I don't know what we look like yet because it depends on something else, we only kill rouges because they are bad and the occasional bad supernatural. I don't hate vampires, in fact my best friend is a vampire. And we are meant to be together, as one.'

It was nice to get some answers, but Izzy didn't answer them all. I was slowly wrapping my head around the idea that there is another person in my head. I was just about to tell Izzy that she didn't answer all my questions but she butted in quickly.

'I am a part of you. I can hear your thoughts so you don't need to talk out loud. And I told you all that I could. I have to go for now but you won't be alone. My best friend will keep you company. You two will talk then I can come back and we can all talk. She will show up in an hour or so to give you time to digest our little talk. See you later.'

She instantly left and wouldn't respond. I could still sense her but it was like she was on the other side of a door.

Well, if I have an hour before Izzy's friend arrives I think I will go get Isobel's teeth cleaned. She was starting to get stinky. I picked her up and walked down the stairs and to the garage. We sat down a n d buckled up, Isobel on my lap. Because we had only been here for a week we had to drive around town for a while. I found a nice one right next to a hair salon so I dropped off Isobel and decided to style my hair. I cut my auburn hair to just under my shoulders and had it layered.

By the time I was done with my hair it was time to pick up Isobel. She smelled nice and fresh now. With nothing else to do we just drove around some more. IMMA GET ICE CREAM!!!!!!

I pulled into Cream of the Ice, the local ice cream shop. I got a small vanilla bean ice cream for Isobel, and pistachio ice cream for me. Got to love blue moon! The way that it melted in my mouth was pure heaven. Mmmmmmmm!

'Well, my dear, I prefer superman ice cream myself, but blue moon is alright I suppose,' said an elegant voice in my head.

"You must be Izzy's friend."

'Yes dear, my name is Ella and I am your vampire.'

Hmm so I now have two extra voices in my head. If werewolves shift into wolves, what do vampires do? Can I be both at the same time?

'When I take over you look like me. We have fangs and pure white hair down to our lower back. My eyes are ice blue unless I am thirsty, then they are red. I actually look a little bit like you but my cheeks are higher than yours. We can make our nails grow whenever we want. And that includes when Izzy is in charge.'

Ha I forgot she was in my head for a minute there. I could just picture her in my head and she was beautiful. When Izzy said our wolf color depends on something else did she mean Ella? I bet my wolf is white.

'we shall find out tomorrow. None of us no what will happen. The mate situation should be interesting.' Izzy is back!


( Izzy will be in 'these quotes' and Ella in 'these')

Mate situation?

'I have a wolf mate.'

'And I have a vampire mate.'

Won't they clash?

'yep, you have to chose one or the other.'

If I chose one, will I lose my other side all together? I have only known the two of them for about two hours, but they complete me. I cannot even think of what it would be like to lose one of them. Just the thought brought tears to my eyes.

'Don't worry Amelie, you can't get rid of us that easily. We will be with you forever.'

'By choosing one or the other, you are simply choosing a mate.'

But what if I like both of them?

'You have to choose.'

'Trust me, we already know what will happen. One of your mates will be your partner by your side through greatness. Unfortunately the other will drag you down and abuse you.'

Oh my.

"Excuse me, miss. Are you alright? You haven't moved or anything for over an hour," says one of the ladies that works here.

I finally took in my surroundings and was quite shocked. People were gathered around me and Isobel was sitting on the table with her head on my arm. It was nine o'clock now so it was dark. Outside there was a man just standing there. He was in the shadow so I couldn't see him well, but something drew me to him.

Before I could get a true look at him the lady that first spoke waved her hand in front of my face. I got up with a quick thanks I'm good, and ran outside to find that man. I looked all around for someone but couldn't see anyone. I even had Isobel sniff around for any distinct scents.


I tried to talk to Izzy and Ella.


By now I was tired so I just decided to go home. Today was a long day and I had a feeling tomorrow would be longer.


Hey guys!

So she met Izzy and Ella and saw a mysterious man.

Next chapter will be her birthday and I will have some of Amelie's pov, her dad's pov, Ashton's pov, and...








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