"You could say that again. That's great, can't wait to play with him."

"I'm going to have to tell everyone when we get there."

"You would have anyways." He laughs.

"Good point."

We get to the restaurant at the same time as Shawn Thornton.

"Hey you two." He waves.

"Hey Thorty." Tyler says, bro hugging each other. The three of us walk in together, noticing we must be early since not even half the team is here. Tuukka, Brad, and Patrice aren't here yet. After a few minutes, all the guys come rolling in, those three being in the mix.

"We haven't seen you since we got here last night." Patrice says, sitting down next to me, Tuukka across from me and Brad next to Tyler.

"Well everyone has been doing their own things since after morning skate and I didn't go." I sip on a glass of water.

"Why didn't you go?" Tuukka asks.

"Slept in." I laugh.

"Lazy lazy." Patrice shakes his hand and pours a glass of water. Tyler's hand rests on my thigh as he engages in a conversation with Brad and a couple of the guys on that side of the table.

"What can I say? Hey, why didn't Stephanie come on this road trip?" I ask Patrice.

"She's been sick, didn't want to spread it."

"Oh." I turn my attention towards the conversation Tyler is in with Brad, Thornton, Lucic, Krejci, Horton, and Boychuk. I slip my fingers through Tyler's resting on my thigh. He turns his face towards me and grins.

The lunch orders are taken and everyone continues talking. Brad says something at gets everyone laughing hard. Tyler laughs before standing up, letting go of my hand, and reaching in his shorts pocket and pulling his phone out.

"I'll be right back." He slides a hand up my back and goes outside.

Tyler's POV

Brad was telling us a story of one of his first hunting trips when he was a kid and what had happened got us all laughing. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I stand up and pull it out, looking at the screen to see my mom is calling.

"I'll be right back." I tell Meghan before going out. She has a confused look in her face.

"Hey." I answer, walking out onto the sidewalk.

"Tyler, I upgraded to an iPhone, be proud of me." She laughs over the phone. I can't help but laugh.

"You said you never would get one?" I laugh.

"Oh your sisters were getting at me to get one, so I gave in. They aren't bad at all."

"What have we been telling you?"

"Oh hush hush."

"How's Candace and Cass?" I ask.

"They're doing good, missing their big brother, but when aren't they?"

"True. Maybe if they learned to call or at least text me they wouldn't have that problem." I say, pacing back and forth in front of the restaurant, people and young girls smile and wave as they pass.

"I'll have to tell them that."

"You do that, how's Dad?" I lean against a light post, putting my free hand in my pocket.

"Good, busy with work. I guess he's been meaning to come down and finally meet Meghan, he feels bad that he hasn't."

"Oh, I don't think it's bothering her any."

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