Chapter 10

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I wake up around eight so I can call the doctor's office. I quietly get out of bed and go into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. My doctor is my aunt, Aunt Tia, who lives down here in Boston. She is my dad and Aunt Katie's older sister.

"Hello Dr. Rask's office, how can I help you?" The receptionist answers.

"Hi this is Meghan Rask, Dr. Rask's niece, is there anyway that I can talk to her really quick?"

"Of course Meghan, let me go get her."

"Hi dear, how are you?" Aunt Tia answers.

"Hi Tia, um can I come in and see you today? For an appointment."

"Of course, it would be a perfect day, no appointments scheduled yet. When is good for you?"

"This morning, maybe in an hour?"

"Would 9:15 be good?"

"Perfect. I'll see you then."

"Alright sweetie bye bye." She hangs up.

I'll feel much better about this concept with her since she is a doctor. I walk back out to the bedroom and wake Tyler up.

"Ty, I've got an appointment at 9:15. It's 8:20 now." I shake his shoulder. He tosses and turns before he sits up. He lets out a little groan.

"Can we swing by Brad's place so I can get new clothes?" His raspy voice asks.

"Sure, just take a quick shower so I can." I tell him, sitting on the bed.

He gets up and goes into the bathroom. He takes a five minute shower, must be nice. He comes out wearing the same clothes from yesterday. I grab a comfortable outfit, leggings and a sweatshirt, and go in and take my shower. I get out, get dressed, blow dry my hair, and put it up in a messy bun, put on some makeup, brush my teeth, and call it good.

"You ready?" I ask, grabbing my phone and car keys.

"If you are." He says, following me out the door. Brad is passed out on the couch and Tuukka is in the kitchen, leaning against the counter.

"Where are you guys going?" He asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I've got a doctors appointment." I say, heading down the hall, Tyler following.

"Oh, way to let me know." He calls.

"I just scheduled it this morning, Tyler's coming, don't worry." I shut the door behind us. We get in my car and drive to Brad's house.

"I'll be quick." Tyler says, shutting the door.

I'm hoping this appointment goes fine. I googled last night if it is common for it to hurt after you lose your virginity and in some cases, it is common, but I just want to get it checked out by a doctor, and I know Tyler wants me to too.

I also want to talk to her about birth control, not because Tyler suggested it but my periods have been horrible lately. They weren't always but for the past few ones they have been. And for Tyler, seeing I know how guys hate condoms, I think Tyler and I are pretty serious, but then again, it has only been a little over a month. Finally after a few minutes, Tyler comes out with a duffel bag and a new outfit on.

"Alright, I'm all set." He says, getting in the front seat. I back out and head for the doctors.

We pull in a few minutes before the actual appointment, but I know she'll take me in early. Tyler holds my hand as we go inside.

"Meghan, hello hun!" Aunt Tia calls from behind the counter.

"Hi Tia." I smile.

"Who's the fella?" She asks, walking around, directing to Tyler.

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