Chapter 2

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While others were all ready conversing among each other, I kind of stood there awkwardly. None of the faces in the room I knew, and most of them looked like super stars. I gulped and walked to a nearby seat.

"Hey there! I'm Leyna Sue, Super high school level cheerleader and you are?" Leyna exclaimed with a super peppy voice. She startled me.

"Oh hi. I'm Da'kota, nice to meet your." I managed to say with a smile. The girl just stared at me blankly, like I looked weird.

"Well what's you talent?" She finally said and threw her hands on her hips."Everyone here has one, unless your talentless or.."

"Hey just leave the poor girl alone," someone yelled from behind me. A boy with gorgeous blue eyes and perfect brown hair walked up. He wore a faded light gray shirt under his black leather jacket. " You can't just harass some girl who just walked in."

" Well sorry Chandler. I just wanna know who everyone is, well isn't that what everyone wants to know?" The cheerleader asked.

"That's true..... but go talk to someone else who doesn't look freaked out." He sighed deeply. "I'm sorry about that."

"Its fine. I'm just kind of confused." I answered him, actually I was kind of insulted by what he just said. Did I have that strange of  a look on my face?

" I'm Chandler Evans. And by the looks at," he says pointing at the space under his name on his nametag," I am talentless to I guess."

"Well I wonder.." I managed to say before I was interrupted.

"Is this thing on? Hello there!?!" A annoying voice yelled from somewhere on the stage. Everyone looked around in confusion as to where the voice was coming from.

"Who said that!" Tamiki Cannon, SHSL Nerd, squeaked.

"That's no way to treat your headmaster is it." the voice responded. Tamiki gulped and walked to the back of the group.

"If your the headmaster, then show yourself." Ken Kiran, SHSL wrestler spoke in a deep voice. After he said that, a half black half white stuffed bear jumped onto stage.

"Are ya'll idiots happy now?", he cleared his throat. " I am Monokuma your headmaster, but you can call me Monobear. Now why the strange faces students."

"Your a bear! Last time I checked bears did not talk. Unless you are some possessed toy!" Peter Gotter, SHSL actor retorted.

"I am not a toy! Nor am I possessed! Anyways I'm telling you all the rules. Rule #1: Enjoy your stay at Hope's Peak Academy. Well that's the only rule but there is only one way to graduate this school." Monokuma explained. "And its if you get away with MURDER! It doesn't matter how you do it my friends, but its the truth. "

Gasp were heard among us students. Some exchanged worried phrases and I swear I heard someone scream.

"There is no way I am going to kill someone for no reason!" Kimberly Anne, shsl wannabe, shrieked.

"Hehehe well your not. Yall are going to have many reasons just wait." the bear exclaimed.

"You stupid bear," Ken said as he marched up towards the podeum. He placed both arms on the bear's shoulders," You are not the boss."

" Don't disrespect the headmaster!" Monokuma yelled. A loud beeping noise grew in the room. It sounded as if it was coming from well everywhere.

"Drop the bear!!!" Chandler screamed. Just as Ken did, about three loudspeakers near the stage exploded loudly. Everyone was shaken up by the explosions. Then, laughter rose from the stuffed bear.

"Like I said, don't touch or disrespect me." he smirked. He disappeared behind the podeum and left us all alone.


Sorry it was so long for this part to came out. Yet again I'm so sorry its so short, I lost my list of character names so I had to improvise about halfway through. Please tell me what you think so far and sorry for the spelling or grammar.

****Edited: So I found my character list woop woop. I kinda have writers block at the moment because I am trying to make this story... different. Sorry for the wait

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