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"Damn, New Guy has an arm on him," I hated to admit it but it was true. He knocked the shit out of me. Allison rolled her eyes, touching my jaw to check it.

"I am going to kill him," Allison growled, beginning to stand up.

"Allison, wait!" Clary grabbed Allison's hand before Allison could run after Stiles. "Let him go, he needs to blow off steam." Allison was the one to scoff this time as she looked at Clary like she was crazy.

"Let him go? Let him go! We should be running after him and yelling at him until his ears fall off. He just broke god knows what and hit Alec in the face! Why should he get away with this?"

"It was a glass cup, that's what he broke. He's not getting away with this but most likely it isn't fully him in there," Allison and I gave Clary weird looks as Simon began walking over to us. "Simon and I told Stiles what he needed to hear, he's a shadowhunter. He's our best friend, we can't lie to him. So when he found out, he got mad. He threw the glass cup at the wall. Then once you guys came in, Alec did something to set him off. However, Alec you may have not done anything at all. His mind is going too fast for his body, and his impulsiveness is bleeding out."

"Okay... but why? Why is he acting this way?" I asked, my mind not connecting anything together.

"There are most likely two reasons. The first, his mother died. She was killed by her shadowhunter parabatai," My eyes grew wide. "His mum was fond of the downworld, she wasn't afraid of them and most of them were her friends. Her parabatai didn't agree. She was killed while fighting with the downworlders."

"So, what's the other reason?" Allison asked, and Clary nodded.

"The other reason is the nogistune," I raised an eyebrow, what a weird name. "Allison, do you remember?" Allison only nodded, looking off.

Flashback Allison

"I- I can't... I can't take your pain."

"It's because it doesn't hurt..."

"No, Allison..."

"It's okay, no, no, it's okay. It's perfect..."


I watched Allison leave her trance and come back from reality. She shook her head, and turned, making eye contact with me. She only smiled.

"Yeah, I remember him," Clary nodded.

"The nogistune never fully left his body. Bits and pieces are mostly still in his mind and body. Allison, 'Stiles' almost killed you for gods sake! He doesn't and didn't know what he's doing," Clary spoke, clearly frustrated.

"Clary, I get it now. But if it's not just Stiles in there, then he's roaming around New York most likely not knowing where the hell he is. I won't freak out on him but we have to go look for him." Allison talked soft, and I silently agreed with her statement. Clary only nodded before standing up, grabbing Simons quiet hand and left the room. Allison and I breathed out at the same time, creating a short chuckle from both of us.

"We should probably set up a search team?" I sort of asked and Allison shook her head 'no.'

"Just have the people who have seen Stiles before. It's easiest that way," I nodded, resting my hand on her shoulder before standing up and leaving her to her thoughts. Before leaving completely, I turned back to see her sitting cross-legged on the floor with her back towards me. Her head rested lowly in her hands, she was worried. Stressed. Annoyed. Part of me wanted to go and comfort her but I had a job to do and she needed to be alone.


"What the hell Stiles? Really, Stiles! What the hell! You could've hurt Clary, or Simon. You punched Alec in the face! When do you ever do that? You're such a bad person. Why are even here if you can't help in any way!" I groaned loudly as I forcefully kicked a trashcan to the ground. The can toppled over and spill its contents onto the alleyway floor. The sun was setting which means it was getting dark.

I basically lived in the dark at Beacon Hills. When mom died when I was seven, I didn't leave my room for the longest time. My curtains were always closed, so was my door. I would just lay there. I had no one. The only person I had was dad who was as bad as me. Probably worst. We ate pizza every night or we wouldn't eat at all. Mom would always cook such good meals. Chicken was her favorite, but dad hated it. However, he loved her with every fiber of of his being, so he would eat it anyway.

I walked to the end of the alley, it was almost completely dark by now. A wall stood in front of me, and I could either turn left or right. Both led to dead ends that weren't too far away. I could also turn around and walk the way I came.

"Stiles..." My head whipped to the sound of my creepily spoken name. The voice was faint, and in some way, it sounded foggy. It was just creepy really. My heart raced but began to slow when the voice disappeared after a few minutes. I nodded my head as I began to walk to the right although it led to a dead end.

        With a loud crash, something fell to the ground causing me to whip around and look at the other dead end not too far away. When nothing appeared, I turned back to my original route.

        "I'm right here, Stiles," My eyes darted forward as he stood there. His arms crossed in front of him as he stood with perfect posture. The sly smirk that he always had, and I gotten as a... let's say 'trait.'

        My feet moved before the rest of my body reacted as I ran the opposite way, otherwise known as where the loud crash came from. I ran to the dead end, and looked back. However, he wasn't there. I stood, out of breath and unknowing. I felt cold, especially on the left side of my body.

         "Stiles!" The word was rushed and spoken in a loud whisper. Cold. It was cold and dark. My mouth opened, but nothing was let out. I stared, with one eye, at him. His sly smirk and his facial features that took part of my own. "Run," He spoke once again and it had the same tone as when he said my name. So, I obeyed.

        I screamed as I ran. Memories and thoughts flooded my mind.

        "You can't kill me!"

        "I remember everything I did and the worst part is I remember liking it!"

        "I'm in the arms... of my first love,"


        I ran and I continued to run until I was out of the maze looking alleyway. I was away from him. I was away from the monster that took over me. I was away from the monster... that is me.

Once I was out of the alleyway, I noticed something different. I couldn't tell what it was but at the moment, I really didn't care. I turned a sharp corner and almost immediately collided with someone. My heart beat out of my chest at the possibility of it being him. He was real and he was alive again. And he was about to snatch me and turn bad again.

I twisted and turned trying to free myself from the strong grasp. I pushed, kicked and screamed in the foe's ear.

"Stiles," My breathing continued to quicken but this voice... it was different. It wasn't cold or dark. It was warm, full of care. It wasn't him. "Stiles!" I stopped moving. I let go, and let myself fall only to be caught.

I lowered to the ground and felt the person lower with me. My breathing basically stopped. I was full of nerves, I felt as if I may throw up. When I finally built up the courage to look at who had seemed to be caring for me, I looked. And with as much as I hated him, I couldn't help but feel different about him today. Alec was changing, and I wasn't sure why.

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