Chapter 24

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I calm Grayson who is in pure anger about Hayden and Andrew's childish act. I never seen him so mad. He is the most calm person I have ever met but when it comes to his twin's happiness, he will stand up for it.

The situation is starting to get a little tense when Grayson is about to teach Andrew a lesson.

I am just a statue there doing nothing because I am scared Grayson is doing something unexpectable.


Andrew walks up and faces me with no fear expression. I am waiting for what this old bitch is about to say.

"Your brother had a deal with us. We are going to bring Hailee together with her cousin. She will never ever going to marry your twin."

I remain silence because what he just said is the truth. I feel useless when I can't help my brother achieve his happiness. I look up to Hailee's parents and I don't know how they don't sympathy for Ethan.

I nod and walk out from the hospital to get some fresh air. I am seriously losing my mind right now. Ethan, he is a good brother and nothing can make him happy except Hailee. Hailee is his world, his everything but this cruel world won't let them be happy.


I glued my eyes on Hailee. I am scared if she might get hurt again. I fondle her hair while she  lost in her dreamland. Her parents, my parents, Grayson and Cassie come in but I don't move a muscle. I don't care about their perspective of us. I really don't give a shit.

"Ethan, you know that you can't be together right? Hailee will marry someone else."

My mom rubs my arm and talk softly with me. Tears are streaming down my face as she says it. I realized the truth. I really do. I still don't take my eyes of Hailee because I want to enjoy this moment while it still lasts.

"Yes. I want to spend every second that I left with her. I would die for her. Every second with her means so much to me. It kills me when I see her like this. She was my happy, strong, loving girlfriend. But a simple mistake or choice from her loved ones caused her miserable. Not even a day after she goes that I don't miss her. Not even a second."

My mom cries lightly and my father calms her. I slowly get off from her bed, leaving her who still sleeping like a baby. She is my baby. I pull the blanket covering her whole body.

Grayson smiles and points at Hailee's hand. I tilt my head looking what she keeps in her hand. It is the hairband that I gave her the other day.

"She really likes that hairband."

We all walk out from the ward as the nurse tell us to. I sit next to my mom while she comforts me. My dad is talking with Grayson. Cassie is playing her phone while Hailee's parents go to the cafeteria to get some food. I wonder am I the only one who thinks about Hailee all the time?


Hayden calls my mom while tears fill her eyes. I shoot her a dirty look. She pulls my mom's hand because she wants to discuss something. I miss Hailee so I run back to her ward to check how is she doing.

I see her laughing with a guy. I've never seen that guy before and I am sure that is not her doctor because he dressed casually. He looks more high class than me.

I walk in and crack a pained smile to both of them.

"Hey baby, this is Aiden."

I shake hands with him and he smiles. He continues chatting with Hailee. Hailee interlocks our hands while she chats with him. I feel relieved when she does that. I thought she will do something unexpectable like deny our relationship. Who knows.

As they finish their conversation, her parents call me and Aiden. I walk outside with Aiden and before exiting the room, I wave to Hailee and she giggles. I could hear her giggles all day long.

"Ethan, this is Aiden. He is the one we chose to be Hailee's future husband."

My heart drops. So this is the guy my princess has to marry in a few months. Aiden smiles lightly while Hayden and Andrew are complimenting his job and personality. He works as an Executive at a mall.

Yeah, that is enough to support Hailee and their future kids after they get married. Why am I thinking about Hailee's future while mine is no where to go after I lose Hailee. Aiden is way much better than me for Hailee.

"Ethan, no hard feelings okay? It is the best for Hailee, that is what you want right? If you love her so much, that is what you have to do."

I nod and my tears streaming down my face without me noticing. It hurts me too much to let her go.

Hayden comes and rubs circles on my back to comfort me.

"I am so sorry."

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