Chapter 18

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I jump on my bed as soon as we get into our room. I shut them out because I have reason for my ridiculous attitude.
I think it is better to have bad memories so I don't have to recall it when I let Hailee go. I want to decrease our sweet memories because it hurts for me to recall back.

Hailee comes and taps my toes. I lift my head up and I see Hailee at the end of my bed. I groan and pay my attention back to my phone screen.
"Stop, Hailee."
"Do you want to continue the 20 questions game? It will be fun. Come on, Ethie!"

I throw my phone somewhere across the room.

"I said fucking stop Hailee! I don't want to fucking play with you!"

I scream at the top of my lung right infront of her face. She looks surprised but still remains silence. I regret every word that I spilled but I refuse to take it back. I don't want to hurt her but I have to.

She slowly climbs down my bed and I see tear by tear running down her face. I feel so shitty, useless but I don't have choice. This is the best for her, right?

I close my eyes to try get some sleep after being an asshole to the one I love. I can hear her sniffles but my arrogance to persuade her is too damn high.


There is something that my parents said that turns the Ethan I love to Ethan in the past. I really want to know what it is. So I decide to find it out myself. I call my mom while wiping my dried tears that stained my cheeks.

"Hello, baby! How are you feeling?"
"Not good at all. Listen, what did you tell Ethan?"

I hear my mom sighing deeply and immediately I know she is the cause of every attitude that Ethan showed.

"Nothing. He said he is in tense because you tried to attempt suicide and that broke his heart."

"Don't fucking lie, Mom!"

"Language, young lady!"

That's my dad's voice. I hate to be considered as a rude child but I hate the way they control my movements when I am trying to fly to find a little happiness.

"Honey, we will call you later okay? Bye"

She hangs up before I could say anything. I sigh and collapse my body on my bed. At least, what Ethan just did was not he wanted to. He was been told to. He wouldn't change because he kept his promise. But I was too naive to believe everything can be solved with miracle.

"Ethan, I hope you are asleep because I want to say something. I love you so much no matter how you choose to tear me down. Once I love you I will never going to stop. You already have my heart, my trust and my everything. No matter how the world keeps finding a way to bring us apart, I will never stop loving you. How I wish we can have a family in the future. A happy one. I love you Ethan Grant Dolan and only you. Forever."

I say between my sniffles. As soon I finish the last word, I burst out crying silently so I wouldn't bother Ethan who is sleeping. I untie my hair and let my hair cover my puffy face.


I wasn't sleeping. I hear every word that she said. I cry silently when I hear her heart's content. I lie to her and myself. I don't know why I listen to her parents to let the only one that I love go. I am so stupid. I have an angel that been sent to me but I throw her away.

I jump off my bed to have my baby back. I walk to Hailee and lay with her in her bed. She turns around and smile to me even her face is stained with dried tears and mascara. Oh my god, what have I done to her?

"I am sorry. I have no intention to do that to you babygirl."

She smiles and wraps her legs around my torso while her arms are surrounding me. I fondle her hair gently. I really don't want all this to end. My love to her has no end.

"I heard what you said and I realized how much I hurt you when you make me the happiest person alive but I return the favor in a ridiculous way. I am really sorry. You don't know how sorry I am."

"Hey, hey. I know. I know that you didn't wanted to do that but you have to. You promised me that you will never be the Ethan in the past, right? My trust is in your hand, baby."

I nod and we continue cuddling for a couple of minutes. I tell jokes and she laughs hardcore. Nothing is better than this. I only care if she is in my arms. That's all I want.

"Hailee, run with me. Away from reality."

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