Chapter 2

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     I am so tired right now. But my new roomate, Hailee just light up my mood. Grayson and Cassie are out to buy some snacks because they planned to stay up late tonight. Hailee is writing something in a brown book and I have a thought that would be her diary.
    I walk up to her and tap her shoulder. She turns around and give me a smile that is to die for.
"Well, Hailee right?" I ask awkwardly and she nods.
" You are so gorgeous." I quickly cover my mouth after realizing what I just said. Damn, Ethan! She giggles and walk to Grayson's lower bed. Hailee starts to clean all the dust on Grayson' bed.
"Thanks for your compliment.." She replies after a few minutes.
     I walk to my closet to grab a few chocolate bars. I am so hungry and that kid Grayson is not back yet. And I am stuck here with this girl, Hailee. I hand one of the chocolates to her and she takes it, smiling wide to me.
        "How about we play some questions? So we can get know each other better!" She says while grabbing my arm and pulls me to her bed.
"Okay ask me questions!" She says, half shout.
"Umm, what is your full name?"
"Hailee Rose Henry."
"How many siblings?"
"Favorite food?"
"Mac and cheese!"
"Favorite actor?"
"Chris Pratt, of course!"
"Favorite drink?"
"What type of guy do you like?"
"Well I kinda li-
Our little game is interrupt by Grayson and Cassie. They walk in with a few paper bags and four cups of Starbucks.

Cassie sits next to me while Grayson sits on Ethan's bed. We have a few conversations and I find out that they are youtubers. I search on google and their pictures pop out.
Well, I guess maybe these years will be crazy as we are staying with THE DOLAN TWINS. We laugh and joke a lot. It was fun.
But my eyes are still stuck with Ethan.
Suddenly, we hear a few knocks on the door and Grayson goes to open it. As the door is fully open, a few girls rush in and start to ask Grayson questions. Grayson rubs his neck and try to answer one by one. Woah, how is it feel to have these attentions?
A girl with blonde hair and kinda stylish sits next to Ethan on bed. Ethan kisses her on the cheek and hug her tightly.
My sights become blurry and I feel my chest is tightening. I can recognise this feeling, it's jealousy.
The girl introduces herself. Her name is Jody Rose, and I like how she looks. The two girls who are surrounding Grayson are Irene and Selina. I can tell that they are like big fans.
After having sweet session with the twins, they come to greet us. They are so nice but Cassie is jealous, because I can tell she has a crush on Grayson.
The girls walk out and Cassie starts to speak.
"Wow, pretty girls kissing and hugging, sounds cool." Cassie says and then I realize she just rolled her eyes. Yup, she is jealous.
    Ethan laughs with voice that can light up the whole campus and my world. Grayson tilts his head like he is figuring something is wrong with Cassie.
      Grayson walks up to Cassie before saying something.
"Well, Cassie. I love my fans so much but loving has a lot types. I love them as fans and someday I will love someone that every person wants. They call it 'eternity love'."
     Woah this guy is good in attracting girls.
I don't know if Ethan is the same.
"Well guys, I have a lot of movies in Netflix. Which one?" I say breaking the awkward silence that fills up the room.
     "Guardians of the Galaxy!" Grayson screams happily but then he stops when Cassie tells him to be quiet.
     Suddenly, my phone buzz and it is my friends. They want to facetime with me. I ignore it and after a few minutes, it stops.
     I dial their number and sits next to Ethan. He stares at me and smiles.
"Well, hello girl! This is Laura. We are planning about visiting you next week so get ready!" She hangs up before I could even replies. Oh no! Bad idea.
     Ethan looks at me with confuse look plastered on his face. He gives me the 'are you okay?" look. I shakes my hand and cover my face with my palms. I am so embarassed.
     But then I feel calm when Ethan wraps his muscular arms around me. Gosh, it feels comfy and I don't want this feeling to go away.

  "Are you okay? You look so tense. Anything I could do?" Ethan tilts his head to check if I am okay.
   "Can you get me the coffee that Cassie bought for me?" I ask with a pouty face.
  He smirks and walks to Cassie's study table, grabbing my coffee.
"Here you go, princess!" Ethan hands over me the coffee. I feel weak in my knees when he calls me like that.
   "Wait, where the two goofs go?" I ask when I realize the room is too silent.
Ethan shrugs his shoulders and climbs the bed.
    He runs his fingers through his hair when he is looking at his phone. I walk to my bed still staring at him. Then, I hit my ankle at the table's corner and fall, I hit my head at the bed's head.
     I groan and I can see Ethan jumping off his bed. He picks me up and put me on the bed. He pushes my hair back and cupping my cheeks with his large palms.
    "Hey, you're okay? Oh my god, you hit your head!" He leaves me and runs to the pantry next to our room.
    I check my forehead on the phone's screen. It's bad. A large bruise is showing itself on my forehead right on my left eye.
"Hailee! Here!" Ethan says half shouting. I can see him sweating.

He cares about me?

Jody, Irene and Selina are my internet friends!!! We made a group.. for dolan twins fans.. so yeahhh!! They are so cool..
please follow Jody's Wattpad. Jody_Rose
If you follow her, I can't say how happy I am coz she is my bestie!!!

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