Part 2

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Garroth (Pov)

I ran through the thick forest, dodging trees and bushes. I could hear their heavy footsteps trailing my faint ones. I just need to out run them then regroup with my brothers. I ran through shallow river beds and jumped over rocks. My face paled at the site of the bottom of a cliff, I swallowed my fear as I heard them getting closer, I began climbing the steep wall.

"Report your guys progress. We've already captured the runt, though he's slightly injured and roughed up," the voice cracked through the small device they had with them. My blood ran cold as I continued climbing.

They got one of them, but which one? Vylad is the youngest but Zane is smaller than both of us...

"We're close to getting ours. He's a crafty little one that's for sure," another voice rang through the device. The men below me smirked as one began climbing after me.

"Close to bagging the head of their little group, heh, can't wait to break them through," one of the men talked into the device. My ears pinned down as thoughts ran through my head of what they might do with. I frowned remembering that one of my little brothers is hurt.

With that thought I swiftly jumped from the wall to a tree before landing in front of the men that have been chasing me. I swung my claws at one of them and began brutally attacking him. Blood seeped from the wounds I gave him as I turned to the man that he once stood next to, the man no longer a threat to me.

I tackled the man, also clawing at his flesh. I felt a arm wrap around my chest as I was pricked with something, it injecting me with a strange fluid. I hit the man behind away, turning to pounce at him. To my surprise, I was pinned down by the man I just attacked. Slowly, my strength diminished and they easily overpowered me as I drifted to sleep.

Little Kitties (Garrence, Zanvis, Vylante)Where stories live. Discover now