"Louis, if Niall says he's real then he's real. Why would he lie about this?" Liam asked, pinching Louis' sides.

Louis shrieked and jumped to the other side of the Zayn, away from Liam, snuggling up close under Zayns arm. "I just don't get why he wont show us a picture or something. Is he ugly or something?"

"No! He's gorgeous, and I get his beauty all to m'self! If you don't like it, then you can suck my dick. Actually, no you can't. You can just, suck Zayn or Liams. But he's coming to see me next week, so then you'll meet him, you stupid prick." Niall grumbled.

They didn't need to know that Niall felt selfish about the pictures, since he could see Harry in person, they were all he had, and he just wanted that to himself for a while.

"Fine!" Louis shouted over dramatically, though there was amusement in his eyes. "I'll believe him when I see him." He crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his nose in the air, lips in a thin line. Niall's friends with a four year old, he swears.

"Anyway," Zayn cut in, "I'm going to get booze for tonight, you coming Lou?"

Louis nodded eagerly, leaping off the couch to his feet. Zayn took his hand, linking their fingers, while Liam wrapped an arm around Zayns waist.

Niall has no idea what is going on between the three of them, and he definitely doesn't want to know.

what are you up to? :)

nothing, lou li and zayn just went to get alcohol for tonight:) wbu? xx

working:( should i expect a drunk call tonight? ;) haha

of course babe <3

looking forward to it! i gotta go though, brakes over, i'll text you after. i love you. <3

i love you too baby, have fun charming the pants off old ladies;)

- x -

It was 11pm and Niall was extremely drunk. He had three rounds of shots with Louis the second the party started at 9, and he lost count of how many beer he had soon after.

He was having a belching contest with Andy in the kitchen of the Frat House when he heard a voice he swore he knew.

"How attractive." The voice said teasingly. Turning to see who the voice came from, because it couldn't be who he thought it was, Nialls eyes lit up and he launched himself forward, hugging the boy and picking him up. Harry wrapped his legs around Nialls waist and laughed brightly into his neck.

"You little shit!" Niall shouted.

Harry laughed again, pulling back slightly to press a quick kiss to Nialls lips. "Love you, too." He said, grinning.

Harrys eyes were twinkling brightly. His smile was wide and happy, dimples pressing deep into his cheeks. Nialls own smile widened, if possible, when he saw Harrys crown. Little green, white and orange flowers weaved together perfectly.

"Really? The Irish flag?" He teased, bumping their foreheads together.

Harry giggled, blushing prettily. "I thought it'd be good luck."

"Hey Nialler! Who's this?" He heard Louis shout.

Harry and Niall pulled away from their own little world, turning to Louis who was grinning mischievously, while Liam and Zayn just looked confused.

"This is my beautiful boy Harry." Niall stated proudly, grinning at Harrys blush deepening.

"Ah, yes. Fake boyfriend Harry." Louis teased.

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