I'm pregnant

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"Akari." Luke whispers, "What did he try to do to you?" 

Akari frowns, still crying she shows Luke her leg, It isn't to sever but it looks extremely painful to Luke. Quickly, he lays Akari down on her bed, and runs to the big brown cabinet in the living room. Opening it he notices the healing rub, and picks that up along with some bandages.

"Here Akari." He whispers to her as he rubs the healing rub on her wound. After it sinks in for a minute, he wraps the bandage around her leg and lays down beside her on the bed. 

"Was he trying to drown you?" Luke frowns, looking over to the bathroom. Akari puts on a pained frown,  and nods her head. 

"I would've never let that happen. He's and idiot for trying to pull something like that." Luke says with bitterness in his tone. 

"L-Luke?" She stutters, still in shock. 

"Yes, Akari?" Luke takes her hand. 

"I d-don't want to live here anymore." She sniffles and wraps her arms around Luke tightly.

"Don't worry, you're ok." Luke gets a good idea, "I'll ask  my parent's if you can sleep on the couch at my place."

"Thanks, Luke." She slowly sits herself upright to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him in closer until there lips meet. They kiss as long as they can hold their breath. After the kiss, Luke kept her in a hug, until picking her up bridal style and calling out for happy.


"Storm!" Nashi yells gleefully as she runs out of the bathroom.

"Storm, you're going to love this!" Nashi grabs his hand and pulls him out of the diner. 

"We don't need breakfast right now, I have better news!" Nashi smiles and hugs Storm, who hugs her back and spins her around. 

"What is it?" Storm tickles her.

giggling she replies, "S-stop, haha."

"You weren't so shy last night." He laughs and releases her.

"Storm, I'm-"

"Hungry I know, lets go get the food." He says on purpose, trying to annoy her.

"Storm I'm pregnant!" Nashi squeals and hugs Storm, who looks her in the eyes once the hug breaks, and gives her a long passionate kiss, not releasing her until he feels content. 

"I love you so much Nashi." Storm continues sincerely, "There is nothing I'd rather do than live with you and start a family, you beautiful. We're gonna make the cutest babies."

Nashi smiles and wraps her arms around him, he picks her up and as she rests her head on his shoulder and responds, 

"I love you too." 


"I'm home!" Luke yells carrying a sleeping Akari.

"Is Akari okay?" Luna asks concern spreading across her face.

"She will be," Luke continues putting a pillow behind her head and wrapping her in a soft blanket. 

"She just needs some TLC." Luke smiles at her and notices Luna smiling too.

"The TLC will come from me, and only me though. Keep off." He snaps, 

"Sorry I'm just really upset right now. Her brother did something absolutely horrific to her." Luke apologizes. 

"Do you want me to tell her Akari or should it stay between us?" Luke asks. Akari shakes her head, 

"J-just us." She stutters still quivering. 

"But Aka-" 

"No, its only staying between us. Let me and Akari be for now." Luke cuts in.

"Alright, just letting you know our new baby sister was born. Thats where mum, dad, and Igneel are." 

"What about Nashi?" 

"She spent the night with Storm in a motel. I ran into them at breakfast." Luna continues, "They're getting married, and she's pregnant." 

"Wow!" Luke laughs,  "What did dad say."

"He chased Storm around. This was before mum went into labor, so she tackled dad to get him to stop." 

"Dad is crazy." Luke smiles,  then glances at Akari, who was starting to calm down. He sits beside her and rubs her back. 

"Everything's going to be okay. You're safe with me." Luke whispers, before leaving the room, Luna snaps a picture of the couple. 


"Natsu, what should we name her?" Lucy asks confused.

"Hotdog!" Igneel giggles. 

"Hotdog! No we cant do that," Lucy laughs turning towards Natsu.

"How about Kokana?" Natsu ponders

"Kokana, Kokana  Dragneel." Lucy takes a moment of thought, "That's a wonderful name Natsu, Lucy smiles, 

"Lets go home."


"Hey Storm," Nashi giggles, "My Dad took both the surprises... well."  

storm chuckles and looks up to the sky, 

"Our baby is going to be so cute." Storm smiles, taking Nashi's hand in his.

"You know it storm. You do." Nashi gives him a soft kiss, "I'm glad our parents are friends." 

"Why?" Storm turns to her confused, but still smiling like always. 

"Because if they had never met, I would've never been able to meet you. You've always been there for me, especially when that Jenny lady tried to kill me and I was put in a coma, you still cared. Even when all the parents had doubts, you still had faith that I would wake up, and thats what woke me up." Nashi smiles, as does Storm. He picks her up and spins her in multiple circles.

"I love you!" Nashi smiles.

"I love you more!" Storm declares as he begins to tickle his pregnant Fiance.


(Hey guys Im going to do a time skip of four years, Nashi and Storms kid along with Wendy and romeo's kid will already know eachother.) 

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