Chapter 1: Meet Luke

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm not letting him take advantage of me"

"Why don't you give him a chance? Maybe he's changed."

"Ha! Luke changed! You sure are funny."

"I'm serious, Clairey."

"Playing match maker are we, Jadey?" We got up and threw our garbage out.

"Well, maybe you could play with him too..."

"Oh no! Is that an idea popping into your head?"

"Yup, sorry, but this is brilliant! Okay so maybe you could play with the player, play hard to get. Boys always want what they can't have."

"And who said that?"

"Um... you know... the interent." She turned to me and gave me an innocent smile.

"So, beat him at his own game, show him how it's played."


"This might be your best idea yet Jade."


I grab my bag out of my locker, ready to go home with Luke. How am I going to pull off the plan? I don't know if you can even beat him at his own game, like if its even possible. I slam the locker shut and lock it.

"Who you waiting for?" Some girl asked wearing her stupid cheerleader uniform. She had eyeliner one and was chewing gum, tossing her hair behind her shoulder.


"Luke Rivers? Why would he want you? I'm a cheerleader, I'm prettier than you. I'm not boring like some people."

"Well, somebody is jealous." I muttered.

"Hey Claire!" Luke shouted, running down the hallway, "Ready to go?"

"Oh look at her, little girl wasn't lying!" The girl smirked.

"What do you want Lily? Go find someone else to hook up with." He glared and grabbed my back turning us around and walking to the door to exit the school. Wow, that was different. Usually he would grab any girl like that just for the fun of it. We heard her scream and stomp her foot but Luke just smirked.

"Okay, what is with you and your smirking?"

"Oh, I dont know, it's just comfortable." He smirked at me, probably just trying to annoy me. He handed me a helment from a bike. His bike. Oh no, I will not get on that death trap, nope, no, no. I promisd myself I would never get on one of these.

"Well, get on kid."


"Well I'm not walking home. So either get on the bike or find someone else to drive you."

Seeing no other option because Jade already left, I put on the helment hesitantly, and got on the evil blue death trap. Of course he has a motorcycle, he's the school bad boy. He smirked and said "Good girl" and we drove off, forcing myself to wrap my arms around his waist. I hope I won't die in these few minutes from here to my house.


"Oh thank god!"

"Why the 'thank god'?" He mimicked, which sounded nothing like me, but ignored it.

"Are you kidding, I just rode on a motorcycle with only a helment, no padding, not even sneakers!" I said gesturing to my flip-flops and jeans that ended at my shin. I figured to take him to my home, the one owned only by me, it would save time not introducing him to my parents. Besides, it's not like they would have a problem with him. Well the 'him' they knew in fifth grade, the blue-eyes, brown haired, innocent boy. I took out the key and opened the door. He stared at my cozy home, admiring every single detail, and I let him.

"My parents would never let me have my own house until the end of highschool." He said

"I can guess why." I muttered.

"What was that?" He said looking at me.

"Nothiiing!" I smiled. I showed him around and at one point he grabbed my hand. But when I looked down at it, he pulled it away, giving a small smile. All I can say is, if he thinks I will close my bedroom door with him inside, he's in my a rude awaking. He pulled out my drawing book and flipped through a few pages and smiled seeming impressed.

"I draw too, but you're better than me." He said looking up at me. I pulled the book out of his hands after he started getting to the personal things, like some stuff that is symbolic to me. "But, unlike you, I draw people I love, people who are significant to me."

Did Luke just say people were significant to him? He actually has a heart, not just a devil on one shoulder? I started to walk him out but when he put his hands on my waist and smiled, I thought differently, maybe he just has a devil on both shoulders.

"You know, Luke, if you treat me like a game, you should already know that, I'll show you how it's played. But, if you treat me like the queen, that's a different story." I said he took his hands off my waist and pushed him slightly out the door and closed it, seeing him smirking.

Guessing he's taking that as a challenge. Well he's going to need some luck because he's not winning this level of the game.

Treat Me Like a Game, and Ill Show You How Its PlayedWhere stories live. Discover now