o n e - h un dr e d - n i n et een . ( h a y e s )

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@hayesgrier ; with you, time seems to go by in a blur

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@hayesgrier ; with you, time seems to go by in a blur. We have surpassed so many ups & downs during our relationship but together, we overcame everything. So many times, we were told by many people that we weren't going to last, but as I sit here trying to put into a few sentences what you mean to me, we proved them wrong. 2 years. 730 days, 63,072,000 seconds we spent together. Days I would relive all over again. From us going on hikes, random road trips to the mountains, meeting each other's families and being eachothers tour guides in our hometowns, I wouldn't trade any of that for anything. I promised you forever and I'm keeping that promise. I love you, Jasmin, with everything in me. Happy anniversary my love. 2years down, a lifetime to go❤️
👤; Its_Jas

@fanacc ; in love with this omg

@username1 ; 😭😭😭😍

@Its_Jas ; ❤️😭 I am so in love with you.

@fanacc ; happy anniversary !

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