f o r t y - f o u r . ( D M ' s ; a s h & j a c k )

36 4 0

@jackgilinsky ; why tf are you putting our business out there Ashton? Like really? That's fucked up.

@ashtonraine_ ; because it's the fucking truth.
Not once  did I cheat on you on the trip or ever! But you wanna go and say I did to cover up the fact that you did all that shit to me to make you look not that much in the wrong? Now that's fucked.

@jackgilinsky ; people were saying you were cheating on me. Talking to those guys as more then what they were. Taking your ring off and shit.

@ashtonraine_ ; you should've fucking asked me! Don't just assume shit and do what you did because according to people I did it first! That's so fucking dumb. I gave you everything jack. And you wanna play me like that again?

@jackgilinsky ; I'm not gonna apologize for what I did. It was wrong I know, but it happened. It's not like you're all innocent in this either! You did so much shit to.

@ashtonraine_ ; fuck you jack. Honestly. You now have free reign to do whatever you want. I can't even hate you though.
No matter how much I want to, I can't.

@jackgilinsky ; bye Ashton.

@ashtonraine_ ; seen.

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