Chapter 4

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I'm waiting on the porch with Lauren, the doorman and Dana's brother, for the Phantomhive carriage to pull up. Lauren's job is very dull. He just stands outside all day, opening and closing the doors for whoever. I'd come every so often just so he wouldn't feel lonely. He's a big, burly man with a thick beard and little black specs for eyes. He doesn't say much, so there is no need to fill the silence between us.

I'd just won a round of rock-paper-scissors when a small cloud of dust rose down the road. I pointed to it and Lauren stood at attention, waiting for the carriage to pull up. I hugged my father's jacket tighter around myself.

The carriage came to a stop at the foot of the front steps. The driver, a tall pale man with black hair and red eyes, walked around and opened the door of the carriage. A boy my age stepped out. He had a black cloak, navy hair and a cane. An eye-patch covered his right eye. I self-consciously tugged some hair in my face before remembering Grace and Henry and pushing it back behind my ear.

The boy walked up the steps as his butler grabbed their luggage. I wanted to help, but that wouldn't be exactly lady-like. The boy stopped in front of Lauren.

"Earl of Phantomhive," Lauren began in his deep voice. "Welcome to the Autumnvale Estate. This is the youngest daughter of the Autumnvale family, Mary-Clara Autumnvale."

I dip into a curtsy, a small smile dancing on my lips. So formal.

"I am Ciel Phantomhive," he says to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mary-

I sign MC to him.

A look of complete bewilderment overcomes him and a silent snigger shakes my body. He looks to Lauren for help but he's trying to suppress laughter. The poor boy.

His butler behind him seems to understand what's going on. "It appears the young lady is mute. Neither of us understand sign language, so this will be a very interesting experience."


I gesture inside and let Lauren open the door for us, replying with a small smile. I lead them to the large staircase, stopping at the bottom.

Carlotta makes her grand entrance. Gliding down the stairs in a beautiful emerald green dress that seems too mature for her, she is careful to keep her balance in her crystal high heels. Her eyes lock onto mine and she glares daggers at me, but when she sees Ciel her face splits into a stunning beam. I glance at him through the corner of my eye. He appears to be in shock; mouth agape and eye wide.

I look away.

"Earl of Phantomhive." Carlotta purrs. "Welcome to the Autumnvale Mansion. I am Carlotta Autumnvale."

He gets on one knee and kisses her hand. "An honor."

I clench my jaw, the gap between Carlotta and myself wider than ever.

"I see you've already met my younger sister, MC." Carlotta says. To him it must sound amused but I can tell she's taunting me in a way I could never taunt back.

"Yes, she was waiting at the door with your doorman." he says, turning back to me. By the way he's glancing between us, he's comparing our features, probably wondering how on earth I'm related to her.

"At the door? Well yes, she does like to spend her free time with the butlers and maids." Carlotta sniffs. "A girl like her should be worrying about makeup and dresses."

I flinch, turning to look out the window.

"Well," she continues. "Let's go eat. I'm sure dinner is already on the table."

My eyes widen. What? But we don't usually have dinner until late! Henry won't be prepared yet! I have to give him more time.

I run in front of her, eyes wide, shaking my head and moving my hands in quick X's.

"What are you doing?" Ciel asks from behind Carlotta.

I spin in a circle throwing my hands in the air, gesturing to everything.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Carlotta chirps, turning to Ciel. "Why don't I give you a tour of the mansion before dinner? It's so lovely, I know you'll enjoy it!" She grabs his arm and skips off, their butler following behind, leaving the luggage at my feet.

A maid rushes forward picking up a few suitcases. I bend down, picking up the rest. "Oh, thank you MC. You're always so thoughtful like that." She smiles, leading the way to the Phantomhive's temporary room.

I feel eyes burn into the back of my head and I turn around only to see the door swing shut. Ciel and Carlotta are gone, off to explore the mansion.

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