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Long ago Riders worked hard to protect the kingdoms of Alenshia, a place filled with magic and power, and keep it well organized. Long ago these Riders were gifted with powerful dragons that could make or break the world by Gods that people soon forgot in a battle that destroyed the trust between them.

One man tried to gain control over the dragons and their riders but soon failed at the hands of the people that he had sworn to protect and respect. He was killed, and with him died the Riders as people feared someone else would try to take over like he did.

However, that was a grave mistake for these Riders had not only been protection, but they made sure that everyone was at peace. They made sure that everyone was living happily ever after, even when darkness seemed to take over

And when he rose again, like a Phoenix dropped in blood, the ex-Rider turned people towards him until no one stood in his way. He grew powerful and powerful and had no fear of consequences for his actions.

But, there was one girl, one man, and a dragon that will soon stand in his way and make it so that the world will be at peace once more.

How would I know?

Because, I am the Last Dragon Rider, and I will do anything in my to protect my kingdom and the people that resides in it. And, no one will ever stand in my way.

The Last Dragon Rider (Book 1 of Rider Series)Where stories live. Discover now