Chapter 47

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The sneer left the Elf's face as soon as he grabbed my wrist and there was... nothing. He gripped my mark tighter and sent another batch of magic to where he "thought" my mark was, trying to awaken something.

However, nothing happened, and that angered him for some reason as if he wanted to prove to the king that I was this person but couldn't.

Is that why I couldn't feel Shilan? I silently wondered while he pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes while he studied me. Because the bond is missing?

"Can you understand me?" he asked in Elvish tongue, and I merely stared at him with a blank look and frightful eyes, and my bottom lip started to quiver.

I continued to stare at him blankly, my heart pounding harder and harder in my chest while I acted like the meek little girl they thought I wasn't. I stayed silent while I looked at him, still trying to come up with a reason why this Elf was working for the king.

He couldn't be like Lexus, I silently mused, making sure that he couldn't see what I was thinking. Did the High King ask for this, or no?

The Elf squeezed my arm tighter, and I couldn't help but wince. "Well?" he asked in his tongue. "Do you understand me?"

"P-P-Please," I said, my voice barely above a whisper while I ducked my head closer to my chest, "forgive me. W-wh-what are you saying? What do you want from me?"

"The truth," he said in his tongue.

"I-I beg your pardon?" I asked. "Your Majesty, please, what did he ask?" I didn't look at the king, praying that he would ask him to speak in a common tongue where we both would understand him.

"What did you ask?" the king asked with a small warning in his tone. "I thought I told you to speak in this tongue, especially when we have company." He gestured around him, and I glanced to see a few guards that I knew personally from working with their families, all who were looking nervous.


I silently cursed my luck before I again made it seem like I was again that shocked and scared little girl, even though I wasn't and wouldn't act like that for long.

Out of everyone they could get as his guards, they had to choose people that I knew.

The Elf bit back an annoyed sigh before he bowed his head. "Of course," he said, letting us hear the dissatisfaction in his voice while he switched to our normal tongue. "My apologies, Your Majesty."

The king grunted and waved off the "apology." "Now," he said. He narrowed his eyes and scowled while he looked at me. "What did you ask her?"

The Elf cleared his throat and pursed his lips in annoyance. He narrowed his eyes at me, and I had a feeling that he was trying to find out if I was lying to him or not.

"Well?" the king asked in a harsh tone, and the Elf had to hold back an eye roll and a scowl. "What did you ask her?"

"I asked her if she could understand me," the Elf said. "Clearly she can not, so my apologies, Young One." He bowed slightly, even though I didn't look at him.

I didn't respond and curled up into a tighter ball with a small whimper, "praying" that he would leave me alone and go bother someone else.

"So, is she the one or not?" the king asked while he looked at me. "Answer me, Fernorn. Is she the one?"

"I do not know," the Elf said, even though there was a small part of him that knew that I was whoever they were looking for, for whatever reason, "not at this time, at least."

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